[Discussion] Balance, Bias, Matchmaking and Battle Ratings

A list of vehicles that I think need different BRs. I’m writing this here so I don’t forget about the changes I want when the next BR changes come around. I’ll also update this when I remember a change I want to see.
All BRs are for RB.

Rank 1

Air: He-100 D-1 - 1.7>2.0
Ground: M8 LAC - 1.0>1.3 or 1.7

Rank 2

Air: Potez 630/631 - 2.3>2.0, P-51C-10 3.7>4.0/4.3, P-39N-0 - 2.7>3.0, F4U-1A - 2.7>3.0, Re.2001 S1 - 3.0>2.7

Rank 3

Air: Re.2001CN - 3.3>2.7, J22-B - 3.7>3.3, VB-10-02 - 4.7>4.3
Ground: AMX-13 FL11 - 4.3>3.7, EBR (1951) - 5.3>4.3, AMX-13 DCA 40 5.0>4.7, M4A3E2 - 5.7>5.3

Rank 4

Rank IV:
Air: J21/A21 - 4.3>4.0, Wyvern - 4.3>4.7 A6M6c - 5.0(or wherever it is)>4.7, F8F - 4.7>5.3
Ground: M26 - 6.7>6.3

Rank 5

Rank V:
Air: Me-262A - 7.0>6.7, Me-163 B-0/Ki-200 - 8.7>8.0 (and give airspawn to all Me-163/Ki-200 variants, or move to 7.7), Vampires - 8.0>7.7 F-86(all) move up to their old BR of 8.3/8.7/9.0, MiG-15(all) - Move from 8.0/8.3 to 8.3/8.7, MiG-17(all) - 8.7>9.0, F-84B/G - move up by 0.3 or remove airspawn, Su-11 - 7.3 > 7.7, SK60B - 7.0 > 6.7(Maybe), F89 - 7.0 > 7.3, Mig-9 (early) - 7.3 > 7.0

Rank 6

Air: F-104A/C - 9.3>9.7, Mig-19 - 9.3>9.7 (maybe to both of those, if no, MiG-23BN 9.7 > 9.3) IAR-93B - 9.0>8.7

Rank 7

Air: F-104G (all) - 11.0>10.7, MiG-21bis (all) 11.0>11.3 (I am unsure on this change since they aren’t .3 worse than a MiG-23ML, but they also aren’t 0.3 better than the MiG-21MF), F-5C - 10.7>11.0, J-7D - 10.7>11.0

Rank 8

Air: F-14 IRAF - 12.7>13.0, Tornado IDS ASSTA1(and equivalent planes) - 11.7>11.3, JH-7A - 12.3>12.0/11.7 (or add better aams)

And please decompress the BRs, current 11.7 planes should be atleast 13.0, and top tier could be 16.0 easily.
Edit: A special mention goes to the Saggitario 2 which is 8.0 in sim for whatever reason? It has better performance than the MiG-15bis, so it should be at least 8.7 or 9.0.
Edit 2: made some more updates, and oh my goodness American planes (and players) are stupid. Also, we really need decompression.


How do you format this like this in the editor? I want to do the same.

Create a spoiler, it’s called “hide details” and it’s under the cog on the right side of the text window.

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We need something to be added to the 11.7~12.0 Russian Sim B.R. ASAP! The battle rate is limited mostly to ground aircrafts (now complaining because that’s the only thing i like about war thunder) but once enemies seeking for PvP start to join the lobby there’s always a unbalance because the only “thing” that can be used as a proper fighter in this B.R. is the Mig-23 ML/MLD (one is premium and the other struggles against 11.7 and 12.0 planes from pretty much every other faction)…

Couldn’t be added some sort of newer variation of the Mig-23/Mig-21? like the Mig-23-98 or the Mig-21-97? perhaps an earlier and crappier version of the Mig-29… it becomes impossible to play in Air sim against america and france when they decide to do PvP…

Perhaps one way would be increase some aircrafts B.R. like the AV-8B (NA) to 12.0/12.3, the A-10C to 12.0/12.3, F-4J to 12.3 and the french with acess to Magic2 to 12.0/12.3? this is something that could be changed just in Sim battles because they can already perform well against aircrafts in 12.3/12.7 B.R.!

bad tanks shouldn’t be given special treatment just because they suck.

Bad tanks should be made into ok tanks by changing their BR and the opponents they face.

Any historical MM will cause more issues than it solves.


i shouldn’t be penalized for my main nation having better tech at the end of ww2 and thus being forced to fight vehicles from the 1970’s and 2019+ and their vehicles shouldn’t be benefitted to fight me because they suck against vehicles of their era.

I shouldn’t be penalized because the country I am playing didn’t have a strong industry in the post war era.

If it’s balanced, what’s the issue?


yes you should, if you chose a weak country that’s on you. now i get to drive a heavy tank feared in it’s time only to be lolpenned by a car going 90km/h with a modern gun and atgm’s basically negating any advantage i had. or i get shot down by more post war high rpm autocannons.

So a video game should be deliberately unbalanced just because a nation wasn’t as good IRL?

That doesn’t happen to WWII heavy tanks.


This game isn’t for you!


If you choose a weak nation in game without 90kph cars with a modern gun and atgms thats on you… your logic can go both ways and is insufferably arrogant trying to act like you had some sort of involvement in your country’s weapon development.


I kind of agree with that .If you play France or UK at 6BR and below you have only AP and if you have any knowledge you know full well that it will be more of a challenge.I like that fact.I do not seek perfect balance in this game.

Dont play the Comet or ARL etc etc unless you have you are wide awake and up for it.Playing those nations at those BRs is about tactics.

That’s not even how the balance works though, as (if gaijin actually knew what they were doing, doesn’t always work out like this) the minor nations bring something to the table usually to make up for this. It’s not like the Cromwell and the Sherman for example are identical except that the Cromwell has AP only.

All this is to say, nations even in game are not just lesser “hard mode” nations.

Does balance work? Who ever sees balance in this game? Mixed BR ,CAS, era gaps of many years.New players ,veterans with maxed crews , bushes and premiums. What is this balance of which you speak? No sorry bro ,if you are playing France or UK early on you need to be on top of your game.

I am saying these vehicles have upsides to make up for their downsides… they aren’t just worse versions of stuff USA/USSR/GER has.

Mig 29 All variants with the Flight Model ruined and Engines worse than the engine of a mig 21 in a heavier plane while the F16 turning more than a delta canard plane . and now they put an f15 with more than 10,000 kg of thrust and talk to me about balance? the Mig 29 SMT is a flying stone

Although IR missiles have too much “drag”, a statically launched helicopter missile has more range than an air-to-air combat missile.


Making balance worse wouldn’t fix things :^)

When is the F-14 IRIAF moving to 13.0? It is currently borderline ruining that BR bracket with Fakour spam.

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They should fix the Fakours first lol. Should have much less range, as they’re known to have less range than the Aim-54, despite having considerably more range ingame.
(Also be glad they haven’t given it dual plane, otherwise it would be pulling quite G’s…)