The Navy F-4s, the A-6 and the F-14A are lacking in the digital RWR department. So im suggesting that Gaijin add the AN/ALR-45F rwr. This RWR adds a digital programmable processor that provides a digital database for up to 36 threats. This RWR will act the same as the other Digital RWRs in war thunder.
According to these Sources This ALR-45F had an Alphaneumaric Display that displays the specific threat on the RWR screen, which works exactly the same as the ALR-67 RWR system. However I do believe that the ALR-45F is only limited to E-J band instead of the C-J band capablities found on the ALR-67.

Since Gaijin Introduced this to several aircrafts with the latest major update, what can i expect to change?
Are they gonna be able to detect medium and high PRF reliably? Or does it have IFF?
Currently, F-4S can’t even detect Mirage F1’s SARH launch which were possible to detect before the update.
i thought MF1 doesn’t even make a launch warning, since it has a pulse radar
AN/ALR-45(V)/F(V) can identify and detect launches from low PRF radars. Or at least what it used to be. I just played a ASB game with the F-4S yesterday and i didn’t get a launch warning from a F1C even though my RWR saying that it is a MED frequency radar that i normally would get launch warnings from.