Differentiation of helicopter "avionics" systems

It should go without delving too deep that Gaijin’s implementation of the avionics system for their improved damage models for helicopters is a mess.
As of right now, taking some damage to your air-frame - any part of it - damages your avionics and prevents the use of IRCM strobes, countermeasure pods, RWR, and all weapon systems. - which, up until the latest patch included preventing the use of say, the hand-operated 12.7 on the Mi-4AV, which goes to show how oversimplified of an implementation Gaijin took with this mechanic.

Take damage
‘avionics damaged, can not use your munitions’
Ok, so my guy here who is HOLDING the 12.7 can’t shoot???
But jokes aside, I would very much like to see the subsystems differentiated from one another within the damage model. Losing access to ALL from damage to the air-frame as a whole promotes some, unsavory gameplay.
An example:
You have been hit once by the Sergeant York’s proxy 40mm, leaving your air-frame orange while miraculously not killing you. Now however, you can not deploy chaff to mess with the lock, nor can you return fire, nor can you even tell when you lose their lock as your RWR is non-functional as well.
Many a time now I have flown for 3 minutes from spawn to go outflank some people and then because I take a shred of damage to the air-frame I now must go spend another 6 and a half minutes (3 minute trip both ways plus the half minute repair / rearm time) to be back at having a chance to impact the battle in any way.

As an aside, before I hear any “Yeah cry about it helicopter players” or anything along the lines of “about time” etc I will say that they’re here in the game and we’re all stuck with them regardless so dwelling on them is a waste of your emotional capacity.

Anyways thank you for your time, and I am curious on your thoughts.