Different standards to approve bugs on russian and every other vehicle

front aspect maybe. but any side or rear is a sub 1% chance you can get it. even with engines shut down i havent seen it happen

try again

You can do it from rear aspect did it many times even o dev with alot hotter su27

Probably preflared. but either way a sub 1km launch that isn’t preflared, you’re smoked. Seen it happen. Experienced it many times even on live server with F16s, and the missile stats don’t lie. 0.75 degree fov after launch means you’re eating that with almost utmost certainty.

Is there not an expectation that all nations and all vehicles at top BR will be equal? Therefore, is the Russian top BR vehicle going to be equal to the top US, UK, Germany etc. etc. even if it is not in real life or do Russia stop at 9BR ?

What would the alternative be ? We could debate how a US vs Russia armed conflict would end in real life but in War Thunder it has to be equal, at least nation for nation if not tank for tank and it’s the player base that demand it.

Realism is not the aim here. It can’t be.

We all know how poor soviet’s electronics are.
For example 27er got 5% of accuracy because of their radar performance.
but in this game, its death ray.

They are basically cherry picking 😗

I made a thread about this. The 20mm plate is actually a nerf because its armor steel. The carousel is thin structural steel, which means darts dont spall on it. The spalling threshold for structural steel and darts was a conveniently between 15 and 17mm. Where 17mm is the thickness of compartment walls in the Centurion.

Apparently it does have a liner, it’s just difficult to see because of how it is integrated in the interior walls.

How do you know?


Idk how they know, but a good indicator is that afaik the leading edge semiconductors of the soviet union was in east germany. And their semiconductor peak was in the 80s.

And by the time of the Berlin wall falling, that sector was not exactly doing great

Edit: as in they were still getting designs to copy, but they were running into the fact they couldn’t actually make copies. So while they had lept up in manufacturing equipment and fallen behind in chip design, they were now also nolonger following at all with manufacturing

One which EMP will fry and one which EMP wont touch? I think you have been subject to too much propaganda maybe

Soviet semiconductor manufacturing technology was not good compared to westerns at that time.
Su-27 and Mig-29’s radars are almost identical and uses same old processor

How do you know by looking at that image see what will survive an EMP?

Because for all i know one will re-boot way faster than the other

The Abrams is still using the old Gas turbine engine that uses as much fuel standing still as on the move.80S tech and it gives of heat that is hard to hide noedays.80 tech.

Ex American generals on redacted on YouTube have stated that they don’t think Nato would fare any better against Russia than the Ukraine have under similar circumstances. Worth looking at.

I dont get my military knowledge looking at an image.

I know that, but you are seemingly unaware that semiconductor production kinda stalled like 40-50 years ago in the eastern block of countries.

And so?
What does that have to do with what I said?

And yes they uses same engine but its upgraded version.
Use less fuel and produce less IR signatures.
You don’t say F-15E is same as F-15A.
Because its upgraded version.
M1 and M1A2 SEP is almost different tank.
Since US have good supply capabilities, it won’t be much of an issue during the war.

And about the Ukraine,
They don’t have great air power compared to US.
Iraqi had better military power compared to Ukraine but you know how it ended up :P

There Abrams has an Apu doesn’t it? The turbine may be thirsty when still, and that’s ok because that’s what the apu is for.

There is a reason Kazakhstan saw a huge increase in semiconductor imports recently, and it’s not due to a sudden khazak interest in gaming.

This is the point I am making. Times have moved on even in Russia and much of the kit the USA still uses in 40 years old now. Propaganda is also rife on both sides not just Russia.

As a kid It was “common knowledge” that the Chieftain tank was second to none, the best in the world and almost indestructible with its secret “Impenetrable” Chobham Armour and multi fuel capability. We had no Idea how unreliable it was and that it took two days to convert it from one fuel to another. UK crew hated it and laughed at it. Then the Chief got hammered by the T72 in the Iran /Iraq war.

Now I see all these kids saying that Russia has no place at top tier for whatever reason. WT is a no infantry, no land mine scenario that would never exist in reality. Tank vs Tank that rarely ever happens. It’s a game. All of this is pure speculation. So many armchair experts making claims that even real Generals have no experience of because nobody knows for sure. Are Western tanks in Ukraine not going the same way as all the old Russian ones did?