Different standards to approve bugs on russian and every other vehicle

“Maneuverability isn’t everything” but for some reason only the US deserves to not get IR missiles above 30G and radar missiles above 25G. And maneuverability does matter, from what I have heard trying to dodge an R73 under 2km is impossible. The ICCRM on the AIM-9M can be defeated by flaring and instantly turning without afterburner, whereas the R73 you’re dead no matter what because of its maneuverability.

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USA didn’t adopt other-countries IR missiles, so they’re stuck with 9Ms until IRIS-T, MICA IR, R-73M, AAM-5B, and of course AIM-9X.

If the community oh so much agree with you, why is almost every statement you make met with anger from the community? Why is almost every statement you make met with proof of the opposite?
Why do you stop responding when you have been proven wrong?

In fact, make a new post in “of topic” with a poll asking how many here agree with you or think that you do good things in the forum. Then well have numbers on it.

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My takes are only met with anger from people that believe fictions; Such as those that believe in American bias.
I only speak on topics I know stuff on.
And the only times I’ve “stopped responding” is when we agree or I’ll just be repeating the facts I’ve already stated.

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You have stopped answering every singe one of my discussions with you. So you agree with every one of my statements given your premise. But you still infurate me, so by your logic I believe in fiction but I’m right?


I don’t agree with the F-16C being the best/easiest to play, but to just get this straight, Russia has even by your (and Alvis’) admission:

  • Tied with best tank
  • Tied with best tank round
  • Best radar missile maneuverability
  • Best IR missile maneuverability
  • Tied with best heli
  • Best radar missile

What Russia isn’t best at:

  • Supposedly best/easiest jet (Mig29G in second though)
  • Worse ICCRM than a single missile (R73 only second place to the AIM-9M)

Yes, no bias here.

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We’re both correct on the stuff you’ve introduced in the discussion.
And I’m correct in the stuff that I stated.
I don’t like repeating myself.

So you think OFL 120 F1, L27A1 are equivalent to DM53 & M829A2… lol
You are correct in that there’s no bias.
Soviets don’t get T-pods.

You actually didn’t respond to me in the F-15A BR Balance thread where I went into the datamine and showed that the Su-27 actually has a better radar

You mean the datamine that’s out of date & will be even more out of date in future dev updates/live release?
The datamine that also showcases the differing notch zones…
I stopped responding cause I was going to be repeating myself.

It is impossible for us both to be correct since what I have said directly opposes you claims.

You have shown zero proof that you are correct, you have however looked at two images with green squares where one is twice the size of the other and claimed that they are the same size. Without any sort of base in reality or way to back it up. You haven’t even tried to prove your point beyond “I say so so it is true”.



You showcased side armor that I didn’t comment on, which is something we can and are both agree on.

You are not hundreds of people, you are one person against hundreds of people.

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the datamine was barely a day old at the time, and the first update for the dev server wasn’t out yet, so the data was correct so I did disprove your point. The radar values might be changed now (potentially), but that doesn’t mean that your argument that the Su-27 had a weaker radar wasn’t wrong

I talked about turret armour the time that you mentioned it. The other times it was always about a total on the entire tank. You never ONCE stated that you were only talking about the front turet.

I’m am not hundreds of people no, but together with THE OTHER ONES that you keep angering it probably is close to a hundred. Just look at the last 24 hours of you comments, AT LEAST 15 people that are angry at you JUST in the last 24 hours. Are you really that disconnected from reality that you think I am the only one who has a problem with you? Like for real?


You didn’t disprove my only dev-server version claim tho: Su-27 is easier to notch.
You didn’t disprove my claim that Su-27 has a weaker radar [not directly tied to War Thunder’s dev server implementation].

I said that Sweden should get Gripen C, and that caused almost all the anger toward me in the last 24 hours.
I don’t know how saying that could cause so much anger.

Yes I did, I literally showed that in every metric except for range (which it already has enough range for cross-map shots) and doplar (which is useless for BVR). It is straight up proof that the radar is stronger. Whatever happened to make the F-15 win at BVR was not it having a stronger radar

If you actually think this is true then you need to re-evaluate you comprehension. I’ve read the threads. that VERY MUCH isn’t people’s problem.

You just read what you want to read, react and answer to things that aren’t there and then get defensive and call people “russian chill” or “russian main” when they question you about what you are talking about. Like for real dude. I’m being 100% serious about this, if you think that is the reason you need to read things again, and if you still think that is the reason, you need to see a psychiatrist. I’m not even joking, many of your reactions are bordering psychosis and could endanger both you and people around you if it gets worse.

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Literally in the same thread, they’re the only person asking for a source.
A fan of Russian tanks =/= Russian main.

Yes, and he did not get angry now did he, the other one did.

Not the exact words no, but the same sentiment.

Now prove your statement


And I didn’t lie now did I?

You mean like most nations? ONLY 3 nations actually have missiles with 40gs and irccm ir missiles and 4 with 30gs sarh, how is the us the “only” one, not to mention that some nations doesnt even have missiles up par to the us.


You can defeat the r73s as well with flares, preflaring always work, and the missile can still pick up flares anyways, in some situations the aim 9M is actually much harder to flare, and much harder to predict as its much more erratic, since it can actually relock, and you cant actually dodge an aim 9M to begin with, is still a 30g missile, not to mentions that unlike the aim 9M it is much easier to see at longer and medium distances.