Did ATGMs get nerfed again?

Noticing that after the S&D update that ATGMs are performing significantly worse than usual, didn’t see any mentions of physics changes done to em in the changelog. The drop after launching is just horrendous, controls feels more sluggish and the missile is somehow more wobbly now. Something notable i noticed after watching videos from before the update is that previously, ATGMs guided themselves to the center of your crosshair slowly, but now they’re just rushing themselves into the middle right after launch which causes the missile to sway drastically. I don’t see anyone else talking about this and kinda makes me feel like i’m the crazy one…


Yes I noticed this with the TOW missiles, probably some dev who got tired of getting owned by TOW-2Bs or something.


Holy shit 2B is actually goofy now, don’t see this actually making it much worse since it never was good against moving targets but this is a hilariously bad change


Yeah, and theyve made it more difficult to engage close targets since the atgm will veer up in the sky right after you fire it.


Really hoping they revert this stealth nerf, it pretty much ruined the 9040 BILL and chadley. The previous physics update already made ATGMs harder to use but this new nerf just makes em outright useless or too garbage to use.


its not just physics something rly seems to have gone wrong the Spike LR acts like a mono charge ATGM now and the Milan of the Marder acts like a tandem…idk what the snail did but its certainly not right

Its rare for Gaijin to admit a mistake and then actually fixing it, its not in their nature to do so. It would take a catastrophe for that to happen like the time War Thunder was review bombed because of the deliberate deterioriation of ingame economy. Sadly, they wouldnt care about this at all.

the qn201dd saclos missiles feel more realistic now. it isn’t impossible to hit anything, just needs player muscle memory adjustment. The missiles can’t shoot jets down that easy anymore.

It’s because the Brits got them with the Desert Warrior now.

How would you shoot down a Jet with them? They are super slow with a velocity of only 450m/s. It would be easier to shoot down a Jet with an APFSDS from a main tank gun.

I shot down 2 a-10’s in simulator with them earlier range was about 3.5km and they were maneuvering

Guess they could actually hit large planes in sim but in RB you ain’t hitting anything but clueless russian helicopters with them, which can be done with the worst missiles in the whole game so it’s not exactly anything special

I used to shoot down jets with tows in rb before these updates. it was ridiculous. good that these changes were made

Yes, some models have been changed.

I have noticed a big difference with TOW-2Bs, they behave like they were drunk.
Right after firing they drop to the ground (and even hitting it if you are firing from behind a hill) and after half a second they go back up and start to wobble up and down trying to compensate.
Needless to say they can’t correct the trajectory by themselves and you end up with a missile that is either too high of too low compared to your target. Hitting a tank behind a hill has become harder since the 2B will either be too high and deal zero damage or smash into the top of the hill. And this keeps happening even 1.5/2kms out.

Spikes, on the other hand, keep being the same old RNG tube rocket that hit 1/3 of the time, on a good day.

Yay thanks for making the 9040BILL’s missiles USELESS :D

Btw, if you did one modicum of research you’d see TOW’s don’t go INTO SPACE when launched then slam down into the ground.

Yep just played it and said WHAT is happening. It flies into space then slams into the floor if aiming ahead at even something 500m away.

I guess we should just review bomb until we get proper change logs.

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Watched some videos of the bradley firing TOWs and it’s wild how different IRL TOWs compare to in-game ones.

Bradley Fighting Vehicle firing a TOW missile

Judging from the looks of it, the bradley’s TOWs nudges slightly downwards but other than that, the missile goes straight without any drastic sway compared to the messy movements it makes in-game, going down and then swaying to the right and finally correcting itself to your crosshair which takes about 400m of space to finish. Do take note that i tested using TOW 2 / 2As, the top-down missiles ( 2B & BILL ) are just wonky as hell now. Really though, what was the problem prior to the stealth nerf? The ATGM physics “fix” already made em somewhat realistic and harder to use but now it’s just dumb. Or is it just because the british got themselves a TOW launcher now?

Is 9040 bill the one that gets to keep its top down 500mm of penetration? The only top attack ATGM with pen numbers like that. What’s the 2b, 100m?

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