[Development] Testing out the Severe Damage mechanic

Same like with current mechanics - you need to knock down both of them.

As described in article. If aircraft got two engines, you need to get both of them.

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Curious to see what these numbers are actually going to look like, sounds like a kill will no longer be a kill just like a scout is no longer a scout, all these convoluted changes to the game tend to just hide a reduction of rewards hidden in a what appears to be a positive change to gameplay.


I don’t know if I like this. I think for this to work the way Gaijin is implying or hoping for here; you would either have to replace the existing damage module system with a health bar system like World of Tanks and World of Ships and assign a reward payout per hit point within a scale of 100.

Or, the “severely damaged” still grants 100% reward and “finished off” grants a bonus 10-20% of whatever that full reward would’ve been and the assist would just count as a kill for the finishing player. But if keeping with this idea, the percentage split should be 90/10 or 95/5 in general. The point should be to dissuade kill stealing.

But as proposed, I don’t think I like this new system.

All i hear is no more kill steals of enemy i sent into flatspin by team mate that just finished zombing and did nothing to contribute towards the kill.

I’m not a fan of the “written off aircraft with severe damage at the end of the battle”. It’s a real buzz to see if you can survive when in a dogfight and badly injured, ducking and weaving, watching/praying for the ticket bleed to hurry up, hoping you can stay alive just long enough until the end of the battle. Now all of that will be gone. You might as well just crash your plane into the deck, or worse still, some people may see it as an opportunity to start ramming


I have to agree. These past couple of changes have been sold as positive improvements to the game and I’m just not seeing it. The last couple of BR changes haven’t helped with decompression or putting the overall matchmaking into a more balanced state. Or giving only Rank 8 stock long dart ammo despite up- and downtiers existing.

This doesn’t feel like a positive change but more so just as a means to introduce more spaghetti math to hide reward payouts decreases.


“The way I am taking it you have to destroy all the engines or destroy the last engine to get the Severe Damage. Thus destroying an engine on a single engine aircraft would be a Severe Damage however destroying only one engine on a multi-engine aircraft would just be a Critical Hit. In order to get the Severe Damage you would then need to be the player to knock out the last engine.”

Yes, this is how it works.


both players will receive a kill in the statistics window for defeating the enemy

Also can’t wait to see how this is going to ruin statistics when they allow for a kill to count as 2 kills, potentially doubling the amount of kills in a match, inflating statistics.

So this feature seems to be good against kill steals, which is great, however I’m assuming clipping someone wing and causing them to go into a spin won’t count as severe damage and still be prone to kill steals huh…

At least we get more reward out of the then assists, just hoping this feature as a whole doesn’t end up being even worse than it is on paper and cause problems…

If you destroy the engine in a single engine aircraft or both in a dual engine aircraft, you should just get the full kill. It’s not like a tank where you can still, for the most part, fight and a be a threat. A plane with no engine is at a much bigger disadvantage. So it should just count as a full kill and not this “severely damaged”.

Since most players are leaving the game after one death in the Arcade mode, this should just be done in all RB mode. Question, did you lower the overall reward for a kill?

All other changes seem nice except this one.

“At the end of a battle, all severely damaged aircraft will be considered destroyed — players in this state will receive the following message: “Written off due to severe damage”. A death in the statistics will be credited, and the player who caused the severe damage will be credited with a destroyed aircraft, where the rest of the reward will be given. This is done so that players with a severely damaged aircraft don’t try to hide and avoid combat in the hope that they’ll not be finished off.”

Thats a good thought, but what happens when you’re severely damaged, continue to fight on and win the match? Even if you are severely damage, you shouldnt be punished with a death stat because you fought on, and won the match. The player that damaged you SHOULD get rewards, but I SHOULDNT be punished with a death stat on my stat card if I didnt die and won the match, end of story.

This will make players run back to base as soon as taking any sort of damage to reduce the chance of getting a “death” because they are crit and losing the game.


And what about the target to get into the tailspin?
If I attack an enemy plane and cause it to go into a tailspin state without meeting the Severe damage condition, and my teammates kill the enemy plane before it crashes, do I deserve more major kill rewards?

And I’m curious, what are the conditions for getting a kill after severely damaging an enemy player’s plane, but the opponent still shows ID and can control it? Is this condition more general and easier to achieve than the current Severe damage?

I wonder if it’s a situation where I was in a situation where I was able to get a full kill, but now I’m only getting 80% of the kill


i do not like that players are given a kill and im forced to eject from my aircraft at the end of a match if ive sustained damage. my jet was perfectly flyable not missing anything still under control and it just really really annoyed me that i was forced to eject and a kill was given to someone who didn’t deserve it.

giving points ot someone who damaged me, thats fine. giving points and a kill to someone who didn’t finish the job…thats not cool


Just played a couple games and was interesting. So hit someone and got severe damage and the plane was falling out of the sky. No one shot it them so once it hit the ground i got the kill. So far just seems to act like critical hit damage. so far no one shot at anyone i hit with severe damage

Yes. You would only get 80%.

We urgently needed a way to curb killstealing, but are you sure this is the right way? Why is it so overcomplicated?
Wouldn’t it be easier to just give vehicle destruction credit to the person who dealt the most damage or set the plane on fire and the people who did less damage (even the killing blow) credit with assist?
insert: batemanwhyisitnotpossible.gif


EXACTLY. you have a dogfight, you win…match over…and then it forces you to eject and gives the kill to the other guy who lost the dogfight…whats even the point when the loser gets the same reward as the winner in this eenario


Why do I fear that these changes will negatively affect us… We always get screwed over with the economy. Things don’t have to be so complicated.


Overall, meaning at 100% kill reward, is it lower than before? Since the total reward given from one death can be higher at 120% given to multiple players causing damage, 80% for severe damage and 40% for finishing then has the trade off, if there is a trade off going to be a lower reward for a 100% kill? It’s well known that Gaijin rarely gives anything without taking something away. Maybe someone else should ask this question since they don’t respond to me anymore.

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