The interesting fact is, that with the current system (the one we have in the game right now), when you see a plane that is “destroyed” (or using the new system terminology, “severely damaged”), you can still get an assist by finishing this plane.
This is from the battle I played a few minutes ago. The enemy plane lost his wing, so he was spinning and going down:
I started shooting at him, when I reached him:
And after a bit (only 7.5mm guns were ready, so it took a while) I managed to cause a kill condition, which gave me an assist:
I used this option often, especially when I had tasks, challenges and old events that required assists.
So whole this mechanics is already implemented in the game. The guy who “destroyed” that plane received 100% of the score and rewards, I received 60% of the the kill score and rewards for assist (finishing him). And all this is done with the old system, the system we currently have in the game.
The only difference with the new system will be that the nameplate of this plane will stay red (instead of gray, which you see on the screenshots), the guy who caused a severe damage will receive 80%, the guy who finished the target 40% and the kill will be counted for both players on the scoreboard, but only for one player (the finisher) on the battle summary screen. That’s why I see this new system as a “delayed kill” mechanics.
From my perspective, the old system is pretty clean and obvious (maybe the destroyed plane nameplate could have a different, brighter color, if gray nameplate is so huge problem for some players). The new system is just one big mess.
With the old (current) system a new player only need to learn that gray nameplate means the target is still dangerous and can still be shoot at.
With the new system, try to explain to a new player what is a severe damage, how it works, which plane is severely damaged and which isn’t, what means 2+3 on the scoreboard, why some planes seems indestructible, who will be credited for a kill in which situations, how much score/rewards they will gain in every scenario, and why they are dying at the end of the battle, even if they clearly see they are still alive.
That’s why I smile every time I read this:
Briefly, the severe damage mechanic simplifies the system for scoring an aircraft destruction and makes it more understandable and transparent