It’s an inferior cannon to the Kwk36 on the Tiger E. The Tiger E gets its large filler APHE, small filler APHE and APCR. The Tiger E also doesn’t have to grind through nerfed AP.
@Smin1080p_WT this is another great opportunity for Gaijin to fix the 90mm ammo loadout. Still never got an answer as to why the US is arbitrarily restricted in ways other trees are not.
I see this being at 6.0 if it’s going to be similar in performance as the M4 T26. The armor on the T1E1 is pretty bad and most rank 2s can pen you pretty easily.
Fun novelty tank, but I’d rather drive around on a 76 Jumbo.
Where’s Americas other tanks??!?!? all we get is new t1 variants. where’s the lav25 or better Bradley variants or SPAA! All these other nations are getting new and improved tech and all we have is old ww2 junk. just making the grind worse. ACV 30? literally just Americas version of the vbci. Stryker dragoon could be cool but no no, the vilkas vbci first. xm800 was cool but still its getting to a point where i wonder if they even know these vehicles exist. Some are just copy paste. Lav 25 is just the lav with a Bradley’s gun nothing much, the stryker dragoon is just a stryker with the vbci’s turret.
Pzgr on the KwK36 cannon has over 170 grams of TNT equivalent, meaning it deals overpressure damage (Gaijin has decided that 170 grams of TNTe is the threshold for overpressure on APHE rounds) and is significantly more likely to one shot as a result.
Stats like this only matter if you gain some meaningful advantage from them. There isn’t much that the 88 mm Pzgr can’t penetrate but 90 mm M82 can.
I honestly think the 88mm and 90mm guns are pretty crap compared to the Soviet 100mm. The 90mm gun is often not much better than the 76mm because it still bounces a lot against angled targets.
Also, going from the 76->90mm gun usually incurs a whole +1 BR jump.
They are sticking with an early load out. The M77 was early in the 90mms development. The early M82 is slower than the later M82. They also aren’t putting the 195 gram equivalent M82 in the game.
Maybe I’m wrong and they will give it the high velocity M82. Either way, the Tiger E gets its large filler variant and its APCR. The T1E1 gets neither.
Given both the M36 and T25 use M77 but still fire M82 at 853 m/s, I’m going out on a limb and say that the T1E1 (90) will have late M82 like the others.
Love it, was waiting for this one for a while. Now I can complete my collection. I really have a soft spot for this goofy tank design, they are some of my favourite vehicles in game.
Just hope it has a fair BR, as without a stab and a longer reload it’s more of a sidegrade compared to the T1E1. The 90mm isn’t even that much better compared to the 76mm. So not more than 0.3 higher ideally.