[Development] Introducing War Thunder’s New Event Cycle

It’s also simply not true. Playing a higher BR than you’re good at doesn’t increase your score per hour, it just makes you food for others.

Factor that in and it really amounts to a leading forum manager telling players to “git gud.” Pretty lame response, honestly.


It’s 35-45k per star, so it’s 17.5-22.5k per day as they are going to last 2 days each.


Some players also prefer to play low tiers just because they are mostly populated by new players that dont know how to play.

Fixed, thank you.

I haven’t done a crafting event since the special Tiger like 5 years ago, and the other events I do one vehicle at most ever since they got rid of the tasks that you could feasibly complete pretty quickly, at least air and naval was only a few good games, ground was always the worst and they kept increasing the requirements.

The peak has slightly decreased at the expense of it just lasting forever now, surely there will be a number that can be skipped for nations you don’t care about or whatever but no telling how many of them will be lazy copy pastes and how many are going to be meta vehicles, and no good way of knowing either until after the event in cases.

But even aside from the bigger picture, a 20k + grind a day for 2-3 weeks is just way too demanding for an average player, and like the BP there is almost no wiggle room and you have to play from the first day to the last day, when some people might only have time during the weekend or a few days a week, this requires time almost every single day of the week, through the weekends etc. It’s just an extremely player unfriendly setup, as always.

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That’s a pretty large minority and doesn’t justify any of this regardless lmao

Some people also like that the games last longer then 5 mins in lower brs😂

Its easier for some older players to reach higher scores on lower tiers against new players instead of playing “at their level”.

Its reason why lower BRs have worse score modifiers.


First of all good job at removing the crafting events… It has been LONG DUE.

Now, I have this on my mind, I hope you will consider this platform instead of the current one in use already:

Will we be able to get all the points needed for the vehicle in one go? Or are you still trying to gatekeep your rewards as per usual?

35000 x 7 = 245.000 points.

Now, lets say you remove the 2 day tier cycle and just let us grind 245.000 in one go if we want to, there would be so much more enjoyment grinding events.


Haha yeah, I agree…

And the past few months, points per actions have been decreasing for some reason.

Now we see the reason, it’s almost like they want us to spend money because of their lack of game insights.


Sounds oke but it aint going too happen Gaijin wants too sell those stars is the feeling i get. And thats too bad.


As someone with a full time job - Sounds like the best change to events there can be. I don’t care about Naval so there’s no missing out there. Honestly would take this over “grind so you can wait, so you can grind and wait some more”

9/10 change. Just wish it was 25 or 30k instead of 45.


I think the multipliers are mainly there to compensate for the change in gameplay, at lower BRs it’s a very target rich environment, people have full lineups, people respawn a lot more, but the higher you go, the smaller lineups get, especially with the top tier premium use, games just don’t last long and it’s difficult to get a high score when there’s only 1 vehicle per enemy player and matches end after 5 minutes.

These people playing high BR in air RB surely aren’t going to see higher rewards if with a x5 multiplier.


Same here.

Now, lets say you remove the 2 day tier cycle and just let us grind 245.000 in one go if we want to, there would be so much more enjoyment grinding events.

Despite the high requirements, this approach would be way more player friendly and people being able to fit it into their schedule.


It’s not completely surprising. This community manager has mocked players quite a few times in the past. Would love to see new CMs come in but alas it’s who we are stuck with as I can’t help but imagine Gaijin has a running bet with EA and Blizzard. Gaijin staff members do be showing their colors lately. Didn’t we just have an incident a few days ago with one sending some racist comments to a player over their game messager?


So basically like the event for the Sturmtiger and TOG?

Were those trials then?


The required score for each stage should not only be depending on the rank of the vehicle, but also whether it is a premium or an event vehicle. Event vehicles should have lower requirements than premium vehicles of similar rank IMO.


Yeah, that way you can grind when you want, and you wont be ‘wasting time/points’ when you hit the star cap.

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really i m playing top tier 90% of the time 30k MAX or 40k but it always has to be a Premium