[Development] Discussing reports related to the Challenger 2 MBT

IDK what you’re saying. “Krokcope” toward someone that supports Challenger 2…
Gripen and Mirage 4000 are the best aircraft in WT for reason after all.

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yeah dude the mirage 4000 is really S tier.


It is. It’s my 2nd highest KDR top jet in War Thunder.
It holds my hand almost as well as Gripen does.


So what does the gripen being handheld have to do with anything you said previously?


you will need to make a report on how regenerative steering works with evidence then send them a vehicle that has regenerative steering. once that is done they will make a blog post about it misrepresenting whatever you said and provided while putting your name in the post essentially calling you a big dummy. regenerative steering will never happen probs in the too hard basket its a shame that a tank simulator game cant add a basic function of “the tank” thats been around for 80 something years


you see at certain times of the day when you take a photo there is an effect that makes things look like they exist but they dont. gaijin simply knows this but wont tell us /s

It remains to be seen when the hull protection level will be lowered to the Challenger 1 level

VT-4 is nothing but lineup filler,99A and WZ have better armor than the VT,and their armor was already crap to begin with. As for 10.7,except the better reverse on MBT,i’d say 99 both stage 2 and 3 are better than MBT due to FY-4 and FY-5 as opposed to FY-2 and FY-4.

Regenerative steering isn’t in War Thunder so there’s nothing to report.
No game has regenerative steering BTW, so we once again have to be patient and trust they’re working on the feature.

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Considering the Abrams now has a 5 second reload with a ready rack of 19? rounds, Challenger 2 desperately needs it’s ready rack increasing.

It would be an easy change that would go a long way in making Challenger competitive.

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It isn’t an easy change. They need to determine how many charges are capable of first stage reloading, and they’ll need to fix where the charges are placed beforehand too.
Right now it looks like 11 charges are available for first stage.
8 more depending on how easy it is to get the behind the breach charges.

no its not it has been asked for since at least 2016 and every response has been no, engine limitations. it wont come to warthunder, i have been hoping for it since 2016 and just dont see them ever bothering for many reasons. 1920’s tractors underpinning my 2000’s tank is historically accurate

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Remember that we also take into account bag charges, that are half its size, and are present in chieftains, Cr1 and Cr2. They are used to match the total count of shells.

Back in 2016 there were far bigger issues facing War Thunder than slower than real tanks.
Especially when all MBTs are slower than they should be.
2024’s War Thunder things have matured, Gaijin can focus on subsystems like regen steering, separate flare & chaff, etc.

No no, he’s right, he just forgets to mention that that is purely because Su-27 players cannot/don’t want to BVR.

Your culprit is the Gripen, which everyone thinks “hmmm yes i must turn with” and then realises that the Gripen is actually quite good a turning. I mean a light airframe with a decently powerful engine, who’d have guessed.

We’ll ignore the F-15 like he ignores the evidence lol


We know from the requirements document that CR2 was required to have a minimum of 20 rounds in the ready rack, at least 16 of which had to be KE rounds (KE rounds use a larger charge)


Which begs the question is there supposed to be charges here…

Well yeah, no one can do BVR cause everyone hugs the trees as they should.
Gripen and Mirage 4000 win not because of their dogfight capability but because their factors are perfect for air RB. Fast, countermeasures, meta IR missiles.
Su-27 is all bite no defense.
And F-15 is balanced of bite & defense.


Check the charges, some of them are half size, due to being bag charges

The charges behind the breech seem to be pretty easy to access for the loader to reach from their normal standing position:

bro stole my photo lmao, but I 100% approve of the use 👌