[Development] Discussing reports related to the Challenger 2 MBT

/s Ah yes Gaijin I’m sure the Newer, Heavier, Thicker, ERA on the TES and OES is of course identical to the Older, Lighter, Thinner ERA on the 2F.

Are we just throwing common sense and basic physics out the window at this point??


If that’s the intention of the design (of the game), then yes the ERA is flawed. This game is not trying to appease the Russian audience. It’s trying to appease the most players (USA & USSR biggest nations by userbase). Shoot, most of this is neglectful critical oversight, and frankly, just sad. I hope Britain gets better, I hope USA gets better. It’s tough having flawed machines on one’s team, as it makes 1 death leavers and losses much more likely.

And the ERA on the Challenger 1 mk3

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That too!

The thing from Cr1 Mk3 up to 2F are Composite blocks with NERA elements (refered as NERA for short) TES and OES use a combination of NERA and ERA.

Yet they have identical protection stats.

No comment, i dont have strength for it

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X-ray values are entered separately to the actual parameters of the armour. Both the VARMA panels and ERA blocks show 30/400 in x-ray.

VARMA is 150mm thick, with KE/CE modifiers of 0.1/1.7 (15mm/255mm @ 0 degrees) and hard-coded maximums of 30mm/350mm.

The ERA is 310mm thick, with a base quality of 0.25 and KE/CE modifiers of 0.5/6.5 (38.75mm/503.75mm @ 0 degrees, assuming I didn’t mess up somewhere) and no hard-coded maximums.

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Ahhh gotcha thanks for explaining it.

So…the main theme for 2024 seems to be about going full send with the anti-NATO hate. Like no more being subtle about it? Just about every non-Russian and Chinese vehicle will be left in an inferior state? Again, what is the point of the forum and bug reports if the response is always going to be a “screw you, we aren’t going to even remotely attempt to balance our top-tier/end game”? Which is just bonkers when that’s the stuff they advertise.


To address the topic itself; Challenger 2 should be made as accurate as possible.
I am excited to see many corrections are in the works for Challenger 2.

I am concerned that there are things that may be ignored that could use corrections.
Not ideal, though I am happy for the coming improvements.

As for your post, MokaMoki…
This post of their’s proves no hate toward NATO equipment; nor does Gripen and Mirage 4000 being the best jets in the game. Leopard 2A7V and Strv 122s being the best MBTs in the game; I know Gaijin aims for balance though.
They buffed Stingers though apparently not enough.
T-90M, T-80BVM, and T-72B3 will have their vertical traverse nerfed in the near future.



Quite literally all that I’ve done is cleared up information. They claim the Challenger 2 uses Armor Shield R, it very simply doesn’t.

My god just stop


Stop what? You’re the one that dragged it here.

You attribute this to national popularity, which is not wrong. But I think you’re missing the causality here. It’s like a chicken and egg thing. If Gaijin adds more interesting or powerful (i.e meta) vehicles to some nation - it will grow in player population. If a nation is more popular, it will receive better vehicles. Gaijin has the ability to essentially flip this for any nation in a matter of an update or two.
Look for example at Israel - Air is very popular (good jets, fast progress), but ground is probably the least popular in the game.


Bro, have you played Chinese tanks? VT-4 and MBT-2000 are the only good tanks for their BR in a WHILE.

Great, so when do they stop adding stuff to Sweden?

So what you’re saying is the actual documents, both in english and russian showing the CHARM 3 penetration doesnt matter because you opt to use an absolutely awful shell penetration calculator… And even after telling us those documents dont matter, you continue to ask for more documents? Whats the point, you just ignore it

Why should we do the legwork to find this stuff for it to be ignored, frustrating players to the point where they post classified stuff then your response is “tehee oh no not the classified document-erinos, dont post that teehee” only for us to be hit by the other side of the revolving door in the back of the head with a fresh round of nerfs to challenger. God Being an unpaid internet janny is truly hard work


They have a salary in GE though
So it isn’t purely volunteer work