[Development] Discussing reports related to the Challenger 2 MBT

I found this.

Straight through:

So it’s 100% underperforming. It doesn’t even have Stanag level 4.



But the ERA is damaged, it isn’t depleted, how is that not a success?

If it met a STANAG level, it would mean the bullet was stoped
If the bullet continues through it means it failed


Okay, I don’t see that in the image provided. But I’ll take your word for it. Can gaijin comment on the color coding of damage to an ERA? If the outer metal shell is indented by a round/fragment, does it change color? Is the protective ability of the ERA module compromised?

This is a mechanic that would be really helpful to know I belive.

So, the ere and its casing are made as one. Getting hit by a ce ammunition will detonatate it. Getting hit by ke will damage it, making it yellow, orange, red or disappearing, depending on the HP it lost and it had left. The era has its build in ke protection that it will keep at the same level untill it dissapears.

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But even if you count the backplate as part of the STANAG level 5 package it still falls short in game. A 25 mm APFSDS round will go through the ERA, through the backplate and a decent way into the side hull armour before stopping. By the developer’s logic the round should never make it out the other side of the back plate.

I proved that above, but no response yet…

That second larger circle is the round hitting the plate behind…



You’re welcome. Would it be possible for the developers to say what parameters they are currently using to model L27A1 with the Lanz-Odermatt formula? Because as I said something definitely seems off with L26 and L27A1 having the same penetrator mass in game.

And that’s the way it functions in game, like, per the code?

Could ASPRO withstand multiple hits? Isn’t STANAG testing all multiple hits?

Oh, and for what it’s worth, 14.5mm doesn’t penetrate the outer hull of Kontakt-5 enough to cause any damage, so you may be able to compare the two with thickness if you can get measurements for both.

It is comical that they give us an ERA which can’t stop 14.5 mm AP machine gun bullets at 90 degrees, but Russian ERA can almost completely take the sting out of a 120mm APFSDS.

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Rafael lists its ASPRO-H and R products as having certification for level 5 (in the old brochures) and level 6 (in newer ones).
The ASPRO-H/R products include the ERA structure itself (flier, energetic, backplate), and a casing. Anything beyond that, for example the large metal plate onto which the ERA tiles are mounted, is NOT part of that product.

I know i was kidding lol

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@Smin1080p You (Gaijin) either accept that your logic is flawed and are ignoring actual evidence brought forward by players - and thus accept said evidence and make corrections as required, or you encourage people to use the next stage which is “classified dokiments”.
Which one is it?



Being hostile will not help anything


ASPRO products could take multiple hits, depending on the type of projectile that hits them. Some do so better than others.
Here is ASPRO-KE after 2 hits:

It may look a bit torn up (may lack some of the mechanisms to hold things in place), but according to Rafael it can keep protecting a vehicle multiple times unless you precisely hit a hole, which is statistically nearly impossible.


Lanz-Odermatt formula only cares about three things: dimensions of the penetrator/tip, impact velocity and density of the penetrator (DU or WHA).

Mass is just a statcard value.

EDIT: For L27A1 these values are

Main Penetrator
Diameter: 25mm
Length: 600mm

Density: 18600Kg/M3 (DU)
Muzzle velocity: 1650m/s.

The ERA module does not survive this.

How am I being hostile?
Gaijin ignores players’ submitted evidence. This incentivizes them to upload even more things which may be classified as “secret” by Gaijin. Then players are banned for it, despite Gaijin making a massive profit from it.
That’s called hypocrisy. If Gaijin wants clear communication with players - it needs to clarify such things.


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The bullet should be stopped before the backplate. The ERA being only damaged is insufficient.
This is important because it is a symptom of Gaijin inventing numbers as they please to appease the Russian audience, then try to snailsplain it to the players.