I always thought these where heavily armored, i never did any research on them but from pictures i assumed it was a t72 chasis with a howitzer turret placed on top.
Ah yes, for when you need to double penetrate the enemy. Is it a prorotype or in service?
I love seeing late cold war SPGs in my ww2 tank keep it up guys this is definitely not problematic for the game or anything
Sometimes you just need to make sure.
Somehow I doubt the upper plate armor is a mere 15mms
It was given APHE for a reason; fair to call it a TD.
Something something snarky remark about balance.
Not even using the questionable balancing. This thing is gonna be facing vehicles half a century older all the time. Its very out of place and will be an absolute immersion break for many
Yet do we know what BR it’s currently set at?
7.3 on dev. So it will see charioteer, highly likely to see tiger and panther too. That BR range is already ruined by random late 1900s vehicles with ATGMs and HEAT shot which take away from the enjoyable meta in that BR
I’m not one much for ‘immersion’ excepting that of Cold War era’s, I’d rather have a balanced game than ‘historical accuracy’
Russia would dominate early WWII with the KV’s, Germany in the late war, America in early Cold War, and Russia in late Cold War, and honestly Russia arguably in modern too.
Im not too caring for the immersion, I put the body pillows and bomb on the tanks I play as rats and as joke vehicles and prefer balance over historical accuracy as otherwise Tiger would be facing crusader tanks.
Theres a natural improvement in vehicle capability as tech matures so the younger vehicles should reflect that in their BR placement.
Self Propelled Artillery Guns overall just get put whole BRs too low for what the shell can do, their BR placements instead reflect player skill issue to use the poorly armoured vehicle whose shell will kill in the same way no matter the range correctly. Im glad it wont be as bad as PZH2000 and Vidar but its still very poor placement
I don’t think you have any experience with them, they are kinda trash tbh.
When i play 6.7 I abuse the MILAN on the ratel 20 and the G6 155mm because its toxic as all hell and I hope I can help get them moved up from boosting the rates.
the Ratel platform is the worst in the game but that ATGM will one shot anyone with zero skill and 155mm HE with current overpressure mechanics is busted
The Bkan 1C has a much faster reload, and while it is less mobile, it’s still not just amazing. I don’t get how those are ‘ratty’ or ‘abusable’ because the Milan has a bad depression, can’t be fired on the move, and from my experience, is very hit or miss. Not to mention to kill tanks with the 155mm they have to have a turret set back above the roof.
Also, if current over pressure mechanic is ‘busted’ then I guess I should try and play them again.
Its depression is no worse than the average run of the mill soviet tank and no firing on the move isn’t too bad as non stabilised tanks require you to halt for accuracy anyway, in those stop and shoot situations even if you die the missile often hits and kills from the grave
Ive gotten HE kills down to a tee with this stupid system its so abusable at times
Really cool how the Sholef got screwed over and this is better whilst also being at a lower BR. Thanks guys! Thanks! Really love this Game! Not.
No LRF no thermals? Also curious about the aphebc stats
You can say thank you to the reverse speed that is making this sit at lower br