Forget the F-18, this arti boy is the star of the patch
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and there’s no point in it,it’s not having a laser rangefinder(
Only T-72B
They have components from both production lines. Like the T-80 style driver hatch and roadwheels, and the T-72 engine + transmission.
It has LRF, both M1 and M2. Propably 7.7 and 8.0 BR
Would be disappointing if they would be at that br
Everything except the wheels from the T-72B
This, artillery spam is tiresome. I get that direct fire is an option, but these feel like mediocre additions that just create the looming threat of adding in an on field artillery mechanic that I don’t think would be a very welcomed addition.
7.3 or 7.7 i believe.
Aren’t they 7.0 and 7.3 in the dev server?
yeah my bad