[Development] 2S19M1 and 2S19M2: Vengeance Is Mine!

Can we just please STOP with all this artillery spam.


SPGs are some of the most laughably bad vehicles in the game right now.

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They did get SPAA’s in 2024. A lot, these are also tanks.

They did, but not forget that the entire sub-tt is C&P, with the second alpha jet being slightly altered model.
So, the amount of effort was a 2 out 10.

Yeah… they should slow down a bit and focus more on other nations gaps IMHO.

True, but i sometime wish more attention was given to other nations and their unique vehicles.

These are facts, but i account C&P not as “new additions” since they were already there, but instead got re-added so they can lower the effort of making new models for surtain nations.

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SPAA are by definition not tanks, like how SPGs aren’t tanks either.

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I’ve seen enough, add the su35 and su37.


When AS-90

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Any clue on the planned BR?

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IS-2 engine first made playstyle?

SPG kinda require good reverse to be good because they’re big and slow and unarmored

I mean, it’s a T-72 hull tbf, it’s another case of Leopard 2 Marksman.

T-72 hull but removed armor

What are the stats on the APHEBC round, will it be high velocity?

Half of the Thai sub-tree is unique vehicles.
Your post is implying M4A3E8 is copy-paste of M4. “Just a slightly altered model bro.”
Those arguments are beyond pedantic.

Also that means you count all SPAA additions Soviets got as copy-paste.

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Not to mention I’m excited to see that external autoloading animation.

These two 2S19 feel worse than the 2S3M

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-4 km/h, god dammit.

Should be a 7.5 second reload, much higher velocity, and better mobility. May be missing a few things too.

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Too much ammo in the turret. Frontal armor thickness is 20 mm. It might as well have taken the 2S3M auto-loader and put it on 6.7+

Double barrel Msta-S

And to cap off artillery with the 2S35 Koalitsiya-SV