- Yes
- No
So basically the same thing as the bridge in Tunisia at the A point. I would like to see that.
Depending on the cold->Most Ice in cold-centric places is often strong enough to handle a ton of weight. However, I suppose if you strafe it, with rockets, bombs, misfired missiles, tank rounds of different calibers, or especially HE it would start cracking and limiting what weight could go onto it. If it gets bad enough, only Amphibious vehicles could travel it.
So I’m all hands for it so long the ice is randomly generated fragments. Since ice should never look the same. However, it should heavily impact how some maps play.
Yes +1. Give another use to flamethrowers
Wouldn’t work. Billy. You’d run out before the flames have an effect. That and because flames currently in the game don’t do anything compared to irl where it was devastating to tanks, armored tracked, and wheeled vehicles. But also structures something that only ever was seen once but never again. Due to how Gaijin was trying to implement them.
Yeah, but it would make them even more slippy.
I mean, they could also change that
I’d be down to see them do more damage to more things
I’d really love this. But I know they aren’t coming back. I remember seeing them in trailers from before I was playing though.
They could change it≠they will change it. You’re expecting too much from a snail that gives little in return.
Lol it’s called naive optimism. I still have hope for the snail, even though I’ve played this game long enough to know they won’t normally give back
I lost most hope when it came to this. But then I have a realist approach if it happens nicely. If it doesn’t shrug.
I would like to see this come back
Damn, I gave it to it by accident but I’m on it so much, you can imagine various bridges or crossings on maps, where only a vehicle up to a given weight can pass, it would change tactics so much
Ohh you are talking about Ground Battle!!
When I saw this post, my first impression was about Naval battle, I thought we are talking about using icebreakers navigating among arctic iceburgs… I was thinking that would be interesting, there would be a region where light torpedo boats would be stranded on ice, but bigger ships would break the ice and continue to move.
you mean the anti tank emplacements? One of many cool ideas they barely if ever brought back for events.
Would also like to see ice on maps like Frozen Pass be slippery : D