This argument is terrible. It is true that r-60s pull instantly off the rail, but that doesn’t matter since 99% of planes you face in the a-10 and su-25 are faster than you. Range is mostly what matters when you are playing planes with un dodgeable missiles. A-10 has a ~3.5-4km death zone to flareless planes and the su-25 has a ~1.8-2km death zone (depending on how fast a plane is). Very little of your missiles that you fire will be and a very short range, or a weird angle where the off the performance is needed.
Not true. Since the a-10 is slow and has pretty good turning, it can reverse some bad players or planes.
Might have overstated the range a little bit (I have used aim-9ls but I dont know how big of a difference the launch speed would have since the a-10 is so slow). But the point still stands.
Definitely have played against them, and I have used aim-9ls so I know how they perform. Also it doesn’t matter, aim-9ls are still better missiles than r-60s if I used the a-10 or not.
Mig-21s have comparable armament and performance to other things at their BR, so it’s not like they can go higher.
The Mig-23s are not able to until decompression is done, and their radar is un-nerfed. And the ML and MLAs rwr is bad at 11.0, and you want it to be at 12.0+?
Mig-21s are the fast AND most maneuverable planes at their BRs. The few planes that are fast (e.g F-104) turn far worse, and the few planes that turn better (e.g Ariete or F-5) are far slower.
Additionally, Mig-21s also get some of the strongest missiles at their BR, especially with the premiums, and German/Chinese variants.
It’s better that the Mig-23 be bad, than be overpowered.
You’re forgetting a key aspect: energy retention. Phantoms, Mig-23s, Kfirs, and several other planes are also considerably faster in the 11.X BR range. At lower BRs they can feel somewhat underpowered, because of their lower acceleration.
I would also like to point out that mig-21s get destroyed in a dogfight against a kfir. Aim-9gs are also extremely good, and I would take 2 aim-9gs over 6 r-60s in most situations.
Magics are pretty much guaranteed kills at 10.0 where very few aircraft have flares. While the American F-8E is better I don’t think the French one is worse than say the F-4C or J35D. I just really don’t like it fighting 9.3s let alone 9.0s
That will force people, that only knows how to dive back to base at the smalest inconvenience, and stay there for the rest of the remaining time, to learn how to actually play.
I am so tired of players abusing the 10km diameter of no fly zone the AAA provides instead of J-ing out and leave the match.
The 9.3/9.7 Mig-21s aren’t any better than other 9.3/9.7 planes. They don’t have flares, and they have bad acceleration. The F-100 has a better armament and dogfight capability, the Av-8s have good missiles and flares, and the harriers are also better in some situations, and the A-10 has a 3km death zone around it, and is immune to any missile.
Even if they were better, they can’t go up due to BR compression being insane at that BR.
F-100 turns and accelerates worse, in addition to having a lower max speed, and atrocious high speed compression. Its guns are worse, and its a bigger target.
Turn light shit and are slower. If the AV-8 isn’t directly behind you, then they simply lose.
Not rearming though. People would be able to abuse it, additionally, if you’re not damaged then you can just J out and respawn instantly on the airfield.