Delete Top Tier Israel (11.3+)

Its tanks now has no armor due to being hilariously nerfed for no reason, its APFSDS suck, can’t even pen Kontakt-5, spall sucks/random as hell to the point where you might not even one shot tank without spall liner even if you place a good shot, its air defense non existent for no reason, its aircrafts missing basically everything (domestic) that makes them competent, SPIKEs randomly losing lock, can’t do damage.

I want to grind Israel, but find no joy in doing so, and can’t afford the time and sanity to continue doing so. If Gaijin doesn’t want to buff top tier Israel, I suggest they delete rank 8 entirely.

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Ever considered that it might be easier to just delete your account instead of asking to delete the work of thousands of players?


I get that you’re upset at your experience in the game.

There are better ways to deal with your frustration such as playing another BR and thinking on your past battles.

Literally fires the 3rd best APFSDS round in the game.
Their armor is far more than Leclerc and Ariete, which isn’t “nerfed” [please don’t use “nerf” was a buzzword]. Incorrect =/= nerfed.

There’s F-15I and others for air defense, the same air defense all tech trees have to rely on.

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You can see the lack of ideas when most of the Ground tree are either straight up US/USSR/French/UK copies or slightly modified versions of those tanks.

Only truly special and unique vehicles from Israel are Merkavas and Namers. Later versions of M60 like Sabra or Gal Batash are okay as well.

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I have a list of over 200 more tanks for israel

We can’t because sunk-cost fallacy bro, you cannot simply just abandon something you’ve invested so much in lol

He does not mean just leave it fully he means take a short break I did the same

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How many of those are actually unique and not just slight modifications ?

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you could say the same about most top tiers

I’m not only talking about top tier.

Would initiate checking this, although it might take a long time.

well the post is about toptier

~13-17 in rank I
~11-14 in rank II
~13-17 in rank III
~22-26 in rank IV
~23-27 in rank V
~36-39 in rank VI
~32-37 in rank VII
~21-24 in rank VIII
Results in 171 minimal, 186 average, 201 maximal.
Depends on the way you define their uniqueness.

Why not ask for armor fixes instead? It’s the only problem right now. Firepower is a non-issue.

the markavas are copy paste from the us even tanks too

what armor

wait until bro play abrums

Merkavas are domestic tanks and are truly unique Israel vehicles.
US got it’s event Merkava for reasons.

Highly doubt any sort of rank, where players have spent, man who knows how much time to get them, will be deleted.

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