German techtree’s F-4F has Aim-9B FGW.2 module in 2 rank. If you research this module, you can choose 4 aim-9b missles.
But F-4F has 2 aim-9e missles in stock. This is a problem.
4 Aim-9b is 157.3kg heavier then 2 Aim-9e. More then double.
4 Aim-9b is 0.036kgf bigger then 2 Aim-9e. Double.
4 Aim-9b is ‘many’. But player usually choose 2 Aim-9e set, not 4 Aim-9b set. Extra 9b missles have no adventage to 9e.
So, AIM-9B FGW.2 module dont gives adventage to F-4F. It is completly useless. So we need to delete that module.
its your choice
yes, F5E has 6 rank 2 mods that need 9.9k rp. F4F has 5 rank 2 mods that need 12k rp. Removing the aim9bs will mean that the rank 2 mods would require about 15k rp.
its your choice
Is that really need choice that nobody choice? I think that choice isnt needed in warthunder. It is hostile element for users.
I dont know about that. Are there any similar cases before?
Check F-16A ADF and Mirage 2000-5Ei Tier 3 modifications.
Check vehicles at around the same rank as others. Those with less mods in a rank has a higher amount of rp needed per mod.
Some have only 1-2 mods in a rank so those mods cost a lot more.