Delete AI planes Indication on minimap in air RB

It severely disturb players’ focus on the real enemy fighters


maybe suggest a different color for them instead of deleting them?
i think thats more logical


Of course, or change in into some different icon, or provide a switch for displaying them or not in settings…etc


you can make a suggestion post, lets see if it get accepted

Sent, maybe can see it after a few minutes

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this aged poorly

They need to remove the AI planes from matches entirely. Nothing I hate more than taking one out on the way to the real dogfight with real players only to take turret fire from the AI and ruin my plane. Never takes me down but it’s like its programmed to be a hit for hit scenario where if you take it out it will land at least a couple on you. Wouldnt bother me nearly as much if I actually got an air kill for it either but I hate wasting planes to get one AI kill and then be too damaged to engage in the real dogfights effectively.

Despite i agree with that, those ai planes are welcomed by a hell of players of stock planes as they provide them with a rather easy way to get some points in order to get RPs necessary to spade their vehicles.

So you won’t get support from a lot of players.

I do agree that replacing the red dot with a red triangle would be highly appreciated - i often break off in extremely intense fights in order to avoid getting 3rd partied - a triangle would help a lot.

In addition i do agree the game play is way too often affected by ai planes:

  1. On some maps you are forced to kill extremely quick ai planes to avoid early ticket defeats (best example Tunisia with props) whilst enemies are nearby.

  2. On top of that: For me it looks like that gaijin has implemented in some of those AI planes real snipers as gunners and therefore dying to ai gunners is my #3 death cause (after bomber return fire & plain stupidity) - when i fly JP paper planes.

  3. And, ofc, either they murder own or enemy tickets way too fast - or they are simply unbalanced. Sometimes you see Fw 190 F-8s on Team A and A-26s on Team B as ai planes - the 190s produce imho more damage to ground than A-26s - but the latter kill (or just damage) way more enemy planes with their ai gunners.

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