Definitive BOFORS Akan 40/70B

History & Design

Developed from the original BOFORS Akan 40/60, with a similar internal working system, this gun had a longer barrel, being a L/70 or Length of Calibers 70, this was increased for higher velocity, accuracy. While never receiving the same level of exports or popularity of the 40/60, it was still a solid export, being used by South Korea, Italy, Finland, and a numerous others. Still having a similar mechanical internals, it was greatly enhanced by the Swedish with electronic controls, three banks of eight rounds, still being a recoil-operated auto loading system, it would fire the round when the breech closed. While being the next version of the 40/60, it had a larger cartridge, being the 40 x 365mmR, increasing the breech pressure, muzzle velocity, and accuracy, which led to the extra double vented heat jackets. In the model of the 40/70B, tailor designed for the Strf 9040 B/C, it has the bottom feed, and ejects through the top, using an electronic loader, once the last round in the clip of eight is dispensed, another is loaded from the next clip, and reloading that empty clip, you would select back to that ammunition type, which was displayed on the thermal output screen, however, one round must be fired before the selected ammunition will load. Note: Reload time is game takes longer than real life


(Unknown source of information on ammunition, most likely a US military weapon report)


Gun Stats:

  • Caliber: 40mm

  • Ammunition: 40 x 365 mmR

  • Barrel length: 2.8 Meters (L/70)

  • Operation mechanism: Recoil blowback

  • Feed type: Internal Magazine

  • Magazine size: 24 Rounds, three stacks of eight, usually AP/HE/PFPPX


  • Velocity: 1480 m/s
  • Filler: Tungsten
  • KE Penetration: 100+ mm (RHA Steel) at 1.5km
  • HE-T:
  • Velocity: 1005 m/s
  • Filler: Hexotonal
  • Explosive Filler Weight: 102 Grams
  • PFPPX (AKA; “3P”):
  • Velocity: 1012 m/s
  • Filler: Octol
  • Explosive Filler weight: 120 Grams
  • Pellets: 1100 tungsten balls (3mm)
  • KE Penetration: 16mm (aluminum)

Firing Characteristics:

  • Fire rate modes:

    • Single shot (Only mode for AP rounds)
    • Two round burst
    • Four round burst
    • Eight round burst
  • Firing Modes:

    • Manual (Stabilized)
    • Target Tracking
    • Aerial tracking
  • Range:

    • 1.5-2km Against armored targets
    • 3.5-4km Against attack helicopters

Mounting platforms:

  • IFV’s
    • Strf 9040 B
    • Strf 9040 C
    • K-21
  • SPAA’s
    • Lvkv 9040 B
    • Lvkv 9040 C

(Videos demonstrating the 40/70B’s power in the Strf 9040 B, and showing some of its abilities)

An overall very powerful cannon, while having its downsides, it excels in anti-armor and anti-air abilities, taking quite a lead in abilities over other IFV cannons like the Bushmaster Mk.II and III. It’s a versatile weapon, ready to pounce on any target, at any moment, at a moments notice, making it the perfect little pack-a-punch that IFV’s need.


If anyone has any extra information; I’d gladly add it.