Decreasing BR of Leopard A1A1 and Leopard 1A5

I propose to reduce the BR of these two leopards by 0.3, as it was before. The Leopard A1A1 on 9.0 has the same shell (DM23) as the TAM on 8.7, but does not have a laser rangefinder. In terms of efficiency, this tank is equal to the Soviet T-55AM1, which is located at 8.7. Leopard 1a5 differs from A1A1 in the presence of an laser rangefinder, an early thermal imager and a DM33 shell, which TAM 2IP already has at 9.0, which is superior to leopard in many indicators. And early thermal imagers on 9.0 are found on many tanks, such as on OF-40 or VBC PT2. Since the Leopard has low survival and weak protection, I believe that these tanks should be on these BR.


I personally believe the TAM should move to 9.0 and the A1A1 should move back down to 8.7

The T-55AM-1 should also move to 9.0.

Though massive decompression would work way better.


To add to this while the Of-40 doesnt have thermals but it does have LRF it also uses the DM23 shell instead of the Dm33 shell


In this state of 8.0~10.0 (which is quite terrible) I’d say leopards are fine, and so is T55AM, but both TAMs should definitely move up 0.3 as currently they are basically just better than all leopard 1 variants.


OF 40 has no termals.
VBC PT2 is just an IFV armed only with the 25 mm.

german tanks are fine were they are.

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This, both the TAM’s are perfectly suited to be moved up 1 step.
RAD 90 sits at 9.7 and also doesn’t have thermals like the TAM 2IP.

The A1A1 absolutely needs 8.7, it’s got terrible armour, unremarkable mobility, poor firepower, and no LRF- something found on literally every other 9.0 MBT.
The TAM meanwhile is faster with better gun handling, better survivability thanks to the front-mounted engine, and has LRF. It should go to 9.0. And the TAM 2IP adds extra armour, gun handling, and most importantly DM33 to that and should be 9.3 accordingly. Or 9.7 with DM63.

Yeah, that’s my fault, I thought MTCA has thermal. But it doesn’t matter, anyway early thermals are very bad and useless now.

T-55 is good on 8.7. It was 8.3 back then. It has slow horizontal drives, long reload (7.5 on aces) and it has bad mobility. Already in 9.7 battles this tank feels very uncomfortable. And in our game if it will get 9.0, it will always play on 10.0 because of a lot of soviet premium tanks on this BR. But also there is no problem to deal with leopards when you play on this tank, so I created this topic because I think that Leo A1 is a good opponent to T-55 and so they must be located on 8.7 both. That’s my opinion. I’ve played a lot on Leo, T-55, TAM 2IP, TAM, VBC, and a I know all nuances in battles on these BR’s well. But I won’t write about understandable problems like BR of Leopard 1 and BR of some BMP’S. We all know this.

I have played the 8.7 BR bracket for hundreds, if not thousands, of games. The T-55AM-1 is mostly unstoppable at its BR. In a full down tier, it can see 7.7 vehicles which cannot scratch it. Even on the side, many vehicles can struggle.

Decompression would help the most, but this vehicle needs to go up in BR. It’s too much for 8.7


TAM 2IP is not a problem on 9.0. It has no armor literally. And TAM on 8.7 worse than TAM 2IP so it on 8.7 and that’s ok. It’s annoying enemy but it’s not so toxic. And because it’s better than leopard, I wish leopard decreasing BR.

All thanks in full down tier are unstoppable. It doesn’t matter what tank do in down tier. And it’s not problem to destroy this tank because of it’s problems. I easily can say that any 7.7 good tank will be “unstoppable” vs 6.7 tanks, this is logical. That’s not a problem. Btw Leo 2K is unstoppable when it plays on 8.7 too, so give him 10.0 why not. Very bad logic.

All tanks* I meant

No, this is untrue.

The T-55AM-1 sees vehicles designed in the 1940s despite it having a laser range finder, darts, extremely good armor with added on composites. Even compared to its competition at 8.7, it’s stupid good.

And yes, the Leo 2K does fight at 8.7, but it’s still killable. The T-55AM-1 sees vehicles like the M103 which cannot penetrate it anywhere frontally.

The T-55AM-1 is faster, better armored, better equipped, and better at acquisition compared to anything else at 8.7

It remains king of 8.7 by a long shot. It would not suffer if moved at 9.0


The AM-1 has pretty terrible firepower and can be reliably killed in any of the gaps in its turret armour, it is not deserving of 9.0.

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Terrible Firepower isn’t true. I’ve used the Dart it has extensively. It works just fine.

335mm of penetration is still enough to cut through all of its opponents frontally at 8.7 and many at 9.7

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Few tanks at the BR have good armour. The 2IP has better hull armour than most and while the turret is somewhat thin it’s not a huge disadvantage. The front-mounted engine also has a tendacy to absorb shells.
But the TAM isn’t meant to brawl or rely on armour. It can go 75km/h in both forward and reverse and has nearly 22hp/tonne, it’s extremely mobile. Additionally, DM33 is a pretty great shell for the BR.

3BM25 has lower penetration than DM13 at all ranges and angles. The AM-1/AMD have literally the worst firepower of every 8.7 MBT.


DM13 is APDS and has a worst Spall Modifier and can easily shatter, so no, comparing the two isn’t a good idea. APDS performs much worse than APFSDS in the penetration calculator.

Once again, I have experience with this. I know these vehicles and these shells. I have Russia at 11.7 for a reason.

Alright then, compare 3BM25 to any 105 APFSDS and you’ll see that they obviously have much higher penetration, as well as fire rate and gun handling. DM13 was simply an example of a low-penetrating shell that still beats 3BM25.
Additionally, the armour of the AM-1 is overrated, people simply don’t know how to aim for weak spots at that BR especially us mains. You claim that

which is false, the M103 can easily penetrate the AM-1 aywhere but the UFP and the thickest part of the turret add-ons, with both AP and HEAT-FS.

This compares unfavourably to vehicles such as the M60A1 and Chieftain, which have better protected turrets, though the Chieftain is more vulnerable to CE munitions (uncommon by 8.7 anyways)

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