a step in the right direction, but why the F104G to 11.3? it has just aim9j and no radar missiles 11.0 would be enough or even not changing it at all
that implies that someone does well in the F-4C
for simulator br changes. most are good, however I suggest these changes based off of my hundreds of battles in cold war sim combat:
All mig 23’s need to go up by 1 br bracket, ie mig 23m, mf, ml go to 11.7. mig 23 mld/mla to 12.0. the former should NOT be the same br as the mig 21bis. To add to the reasoning. 11.7 will need a competitive red team fighter and that fits in 11.7 as 11.3 has the mig 21s. the MLD is much more competitive and matches with the blue teams 12.0 planes while red team has 0 planes in that bracket. this avoids the risk of this being a dead br bracket
F4c should not be 10.7. without CM and pretty bad missiles, it should not be the same br as attackers with multiple all aspect missiles. it should remain be 10.3
3)mirage f1ct should be with the premium version at 12.0. it is no different from the other variants and with no bracket with 12.3 top, it will not perform with 12.7 planes
- Sim EC is not as populated as all other modes, while this decompression is needed, I fear brackets will become dead due to the limitation of evenly matched planes in each br bracket, I think 11.7 and 12.0 (with the changes mentioned above) should be merged. 11.7 does not need to have a day where it is top same as how 11.0 currently does not have a day where its top so 11.3 & 11.0 play together.
Why is the EJ KAI going 0.3 ABOVE the F14A? It sees top tier ARHs at 12.7, it shouldnt. Thats dumb
You haven’t seen the F-4C tryhards before? They can be pretty vicious even without their agile eagle or countermeasures.
Stock long range missiles and some decompression, perfect! Heck, two BR steps is better than anyone could have reasonably expected, thanks! :)
yeah watch that flareless Phantom dodge an R-73
Firstly, great changes adding stock fox3s and attempting to decompress the game.
But. I would like to speak to the person that cooked up the BR changes, some of the new BRs make absolutely no sense. Because according to the spreadsheet that you posted an F4C is equivalent to an MiG21SMT now.
Good idea, bad execution, still gotta give credit where credit is due.
F-4C tryhard when R-60
This is Gaijin’s Giant Leap Forward and proceeds to go fucking three dozen steps back rofl
At this point it would make more sense to rework the model to F-4D, give it CMs and 7E-2DF Sparrows (Not sure on 9Js… Maybe that too)
YES, finally someone saying this. I’m confused how they made this change. Without radar missiles it’s gonna be more dead than it already is.
The top of the Air Simulator rotation, the text doesn’t match the shading:
Is it supposed to be 13.3-13.7 on A and C days? Or can 13.0 go into both of the top tiers on A and C days?
How is decompression stepping back?
@TyphoonCro @Apollo_1641
F-4C at 10.7 is equivalent to F-4C being 10.3 currently, so yeah, it should be 10.3 instead.
R-60Ms are the problem, and even then a simple bullpup or rocket pod easily deals with them.
Higher-tier AirRB is PLAGUED by undodgeable head-on missiles. Can’t flare/chaffe them, can’t out-turn them. Don’t “Skill-issue” me. It’s cancer to deal with that stuff. It is very unfair. These missiles needs to be nerfed at 11.0-11.7 BR range. This is the opposite of fun.
What’s off-topic about suggesting a change when a change was made but to a smaller extent than necessary to improve the gameplay of a game we all know and try to love and have tried for the past decade?
F-4C is currently 10.0, not 10.3
Read the full post:
Have you not read any of the posts here? No one is praising the change it’s dog shit for literally every nation, 8.3-8.7 range is still absolutely fucked, top tier’s “”“decompression”“” br changes are completely asinine and nonsensical, this is gonna make at least a dozen planes completely unplayable for being extremely overtiered lmfaoooo