Decompressing Battle Ratings for Top Aircraft and Accompanying Changes to Stock Weapons

I had to do a triple check reading the title. Though it was another thread complaining about this issue rather than an announcement of a fix.

Finally. This will also relieve some pressure from lower BR planes as well, meaning those will also be decompressed soon (I hope).

Good change.

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A-7D BR increased?! Seriously?!
All aspect? No
Why?! It’s can’t do anything agaist mig-15 (not bis).
Worse than su-25 in everything and still 10.3?!

Same for A-7E. More mass, less manuverability, worse missiles , more BR….why?!

Same for a-7k with OMG 2 AIM-9Ls , weak engine and more mass!
11.3 just like su-17m4 with infinite flares, 6 all aspect R-60M and Mach 2

A-7D and A-7E should be at 9.7.
A-7K should be at 10.3


Will these be of the active variety?
Also what about chaff?

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@Stona_WT there is an issue in the chart, the F-4F Early is currently 10.3 in ARB, not 10.7, so it should go to 10.7 and not 11.0

And also, why are the GR.1/IDS(TT) going up, while they are literally the same as the WTD61 and MFG


F-4J(UK) should be 11.3 I’m tired of f15 and mig 29s. very regretful for buying


If the F-16 MLU and F-16 ADFs are going to be the same br as the Belgian F-16A they need to be receiving AIM-9M.


While I like the fact that there is more decompression, I mainly want to ask if there are any plans to decompress top tier ground as well?

The 2A7s and Strv 122s really need a seperate BR/BR step.


@Stona_WT BTW - what you mean “decompressing” if you just UP literally all top tier for 1 or 2 steps?
Decompressing it’s when you UP upper top tier but not touch lower.


everythign else is getitng decompressed, its being moved with the decompression

Who could have guessed XD
It’s not like 90% of the player base have been saying this was needed for the past 6 months or anything.
But i’m glad to see it happen either way!
(But please, try to make the devs listen a bit more to the players, contrary to popular belief a majority of players actually have valid input).


HOLY S**** !!! This is amazing news! :D Playing the top tier air stock was absolute hell on earth, not even slightly fun and was almost purely a chore.


Ok, I have to admit the new stock weapons are a needed change and a massive W.

Thanks 👍

Not sure about the BR changes though. Some of them seem a little sus


Still waiting on the GRB decompression. Now it’s a whole 2.0 behind aircraft.


all of this is very much needed, only main concern is the lack of decompression in ground BRs (please the whole area between 8.3-10.3 is so done in and the lack of decompression for lower BRs, maybe it might be moved around with teh next set or BR changes i don’t know, just for the love of god change ground BRs, we’re going to have aircraft 2.0 higher than the highest ground BRs


this br change absolutely reeks this doesnt really fix anything at all


They have a list. Everything with arh gets 2 ARH stock, everything with SARH gets 2 SARH stock


SU-25SM3 11.7 > 12.3

?? Why is it higher than the Mirage F1C (12.0)


MAWS I guess? That’s pretty dumb

Why is the Squadron Sea Harrier FRS1 going to 11.3 why not 11.0


HUH why is the Phantom Fgr.2 a higher br than the Tornado ADV/F.3???


well no… that would be just increasing the max.
Decompressing is exactly what they have done here. You increase the max and spread everything between 10-13 evenly on the new 10-13.7 scale.