@Stona_WT BTW - what you mean “decompressing” if you just UP literally all top tier for 1 or 2 steps?
Decompressing it’s when you UP upper top tier but not touch lower.
Who could have guessed XD
It’s not like 90% of the player base have been saying this was needed for the past 6 months or anything.
But i’m glad to see it happen either way!
(But please, try to make the devs listen a bit more to the players, contrary to popular belief a majority of players actually have valid input).
HOLY S**** !!! This is amazing news! :D Playing the top tier air stock was absolute hell on earth, not even slightly fun and was almost purely a chore.
all of this is very much needed, only main concern is the lack of decompression in ground BRs (please the whole area between 8.3-10.3 is so done in and the lack of decompression for lower BRs, maybe it might be moved around with teh next set or BR changes i don’t know, just for the love of god change ground BRs, we’re going to have aircraft 2.0 higher than the highest ground BRs
well no… that would be just increasing the max.
Decompressing is exactly what they have done here. You increase the max and spread everything between 10-13 evenly on the new 10-13.7 scale.