
Which decals do you prefer?

  • Historical / Semi-Historical
  • Fictional
  • I don’t care
0 voters

Authentic decals used to be a weekly event, but they were removed and haven’t returned for quite some time. I’d even be willing to pay for some of those, if only they returned them, even if only for $.

I know it’s a pipe dream but it would be nice if customization got somewhat improved or even reworked, for example placing a mirrored decal on a plane results in it being higher on one side than the other or the default camos are off.
Having camos without decals wouldn’t be bad either.

Do you think anything I mentioned here is a good idea?

  • Return authentic decal events
  • Put old authentic decals into the game for GE
  • Fix the mirroring problem or camos affected by it
  • Rework the customization giving us more freedom and options for decals and paints
  • No
0 voters

I didn’t notice this, but not that you’ve mentioned I won’t be able to unsee it if I do…


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I think there could have been another option, like “Historical and Fictional” in between the 2nd and last option

I like Historical decals, but also some fictional or fantasy decals are pretty cool too

“Authentic decals” were still being considered by the Developers, so they may come back at some point, just no news right now

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Yeah I’ve made an oversight, I’m relatively new to this, should I edit it or leave it as is?

as a russian main, I just want a soviet flag tbh. Too bad it’s limited to V-day on it’s decade anniversary.

Why no option like “I like all”?

What about spanish decals,i have make a few of sugestions about them…