Decals for Israel vehicles

Israel is a tech tree with a lot of potential when it comes to vehicles but one thing that’s missing for Israel is customization, most nations in the game have a vast collection of decals but Israel has very few decals and most of them can’t be unlocked for free to play players. I want to offer a few decals that would look great for Israeli vehicles

The Israeli 7th armor brigade is on of if not the most renowned idf brigades. They participated in many wars and battles and fought for the golan heights in 1973

The 401st Brigade is the brigade that was first to operate the merkava mk4 tank and are the first brigade to operate the merkava Barak

The 10th armor brigade also known as “hativat harel” is one of the most legendary brigades in the idf. They participated in the battle for Jerusalem in the six day war and have taken part in every Israeli war.
117th squadron is the first squadron in the idf to deploy jet fighters and is also on of the squadrons in the idf who fly the f35 fighter jet

The idf has many symbols for its units and I believe that those symbols could be very nice decals( like the well known “V” and the “א״ that can be found on tanks) that would add to the Israel players and to the whole player base. While my list was very small and mostly consisted of armor units there are many more units across the idf with interesting history and cool decals . Feel free to post any that you want that I haven’t shown


I hope free decals will return some day. Still don’t understand why it was removed.


I think most decals should be earned by doing a set achievement like killing a certain amount of vehicles with a specific vehicle/ vehicles of a certain rank in a tech tree.


Yeah, this too. Just like decals in germany aircraft folder.

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Israel seems dead across the board but smaller trees do miss decals.

Thing is nobody seems to use decals these days.Nobody takes a pride in trying to make vehicles look realistic and if they do they use complete skins.

I admit I didn’t bother later in the game ,only when I started out as a newbie when I thought historical realism was part of the game.

Being an Israeli main has been depressing lately. The armor on the Merkava tanks just isn’t right. I suppose that’s Israel’s fault for keeping state secrets secret 🤣
Air RB is a blast though as long as you don’t play the Netz.

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Weren’t they made part of the Battlepass?

I really wanted to see more roundels and numbers. Like the Star of David.


I guess they are. Before that decals were updated every week, as I remember correctly
Снимок экрана (2898)


You should do sugestions about that.

How do you make suggestions?

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Hebrew alphabet letters and chevrons like “V” were datamined at the beginning of 2022, but were never added to the game.

After that they had 2-3 events with decals for Isarel but since 2024 not even a new one came up.

I would hope that sooner or later at least some basic decals will be added. I do like to customise my tanks to a certain level of realism (at least with what you can do with 2 decals slot lol).

I go to the suggestions (green) and i create a post.
Like for example Spanish Legión/brigade "Alfonso XII"

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As far as I know, for ground forces there are these:

• 2018: 500th Brigade as a pre-order bonus for the US Magach 3
• april 2019 monthly decal: 7th Armoured Division emblem
• june 2019 monthly decal: 319th armoured division IDF
• July 2020: 600th armoured corps emblem reward for world war: road to the west
• march 2022: Armored Corps emblem for beta testers of Israel ground forces
• may/june 2022 monthly decal: spitting viper emblem
• august/September 2022 monthly decal: Abir/Knight emblem.
209th Brigade (16th battlepass)
213th Brigade (16th Battlepass)
7338th brigade (16th battlepass)

And for air forces we have:

IAF roundel (2016?)
Beta Tester IAF emblem
105th Squadron emblem, unlockable
110th Squadron emblem. Unlockable
117th Squadron emblem. Unlockable
117th squadron emblem, unlockable
144th squadron emblem. Unlockable
107th squadron emblem. april-may 2022 monthly decal
161st helicopter squadron emblem. June-July 2022 monthly decal
119th squadron emblem, october-november 2022 monthly decal
low visibility IAF Roundel. (2022?)

Other decals
• Israel Flag
Battle for Chinese Farm (World War Scenario June 2020
Israel Independence Day 2022
IDF Anniversary 2023
Israel Independence Day 2023


Maybe it’s a bad time.

Quite the opposite …Israels fault for hyping their tanks.

It’s the most known symbol of the Jewish culture, why now would be a problem? I don’t think this whole conflict between Israel and Palestine is a problem, as it’s a issue since the formation of the State of Israel.

40,000 dead might be a problem ,How many are armed fighters? 2000 ,3000 ? if its ten thousand which is unlikely then that’s 30,000 civilians murdered and you can’t have the Russian Z in the game because it’s in poor taste? Like I said maybe best to leave it a few weeks for the western media to work it’s magic.

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In the American invasion of Afghanistan more than 70,000 civilians died yet the U.S. has many decals in game. What happens in the world shouldn’t effect what decals Israel gets

Edit: there is an Israeli flag in game there should be no problem to add the centerpiece of the flag

The Russian Z was not being allowed in the game and we had fuss about it when players made them themselves.
I am saying Gaijin may(or may not) feel it’s best to give a while before bringing a load of new Israeli decals.

The Russian Z means nothing to me ,its just something the Ruskies put on their tanks to identify them but then I am not living in Ukraine so I can afford to be none fussed about it all.I am neither Jewish or Arabic.Just sayin