De-identifying Tech-trees with C&P overload

In-service vehicles and heavily upgraded variants that distinquish them from other trees are conflicting descirptions. Lend lease vehicles in WW2, like the Sherman, were in service by the Russians but they didn’t make massive changes to them. Taking Shermans away from Russia would be against your “in-service vehicle” requirement because they actually used them in combat.

Germany past WW2 uses allied (US/Russian) vehicles because they were occupied by those nations. Pulling those vehicles makes very little sense because it would destroy a large section of the tree that benefits highly from having those vehicles. This is true for Isreal, Italy, China, and Japan. Having vehicles fill in gaps where neccessary is more important than restricting “nation specific vehicles” to the originating country.

Where does it say that Warthunder is a Nation vs Nation game? Arcade modes pit nations against themselves all the time, Naval RB does, Air RB does, and Ground RB does at certain BRs and times of day. The only forced sides are Sim game modes, and they can be quite unbalanced.

Sim isn’t the primary game mode of Warthunder. It is a small niche in the game. They shouldn’t balance the entirety of the rest of the game off of Sim because they aren’t the majority of players. They also have the ability to restrict vehicles in the Sim listing, which could help your issue without hurting everyone else.

Also, doesn’t Sim have an identifying mechanic (in ground at least) tied to rangefinding? If you can’t make a positive ID your crew can do it for you, am I correct?

But it is just my opinion, it doesn’t really matter. It’s years to late too have “pure” tech trees.

Pandoras box was opened a long time ago, and there’s no way that the vehicles already in the game are going to be removed.

Only Hungary’s was mostly copy-paste, all the other sub-trees are at least half unique vehicles.
KV-1B would be copy-paste.
Merkavas are already in Israel, with the one copy-paste being the Mk2B.

What advantages would that bring to the game? It would just remove from the finite pool of vehicles that make the game more diverse and interesting, and would shorten the games lifespan and limit content.

KV-1B was used by Finalnd so i dont see any reason why it sould stay in Germany TT…and since not many people have it, why not gove it into Finish TT.

With Hungary, im sure that Hungary, like any east EU country had a soviet vehicles and later their heavy modifications. But like i said before, i think Gaijin was just lazy. Easy to see for the Hungary air. Hungary had a decent ammount of domestic planes during WW2, and what we get in game? Post war copy and paste vehicles.

Please see previous answer to Kminek246.

Nothing leaves tech trees in War Thunder once placed there.
Only new copy paste is added to the game.

bullshit. germany, china, sweden. come to my head.

What he means is

Although it is moved to a different tech tree, the vehicle itself stays in the tech tree for those who owned it

Ex; if you had the CR.42 before Italy was added, you’d have a german CR.42 still

Swedish CV-90TML was removed, even to players who has it.

Germany still has every Italian vehicle it received initially.
Sweden and China obviously have their stuff as well.

CV90105 is still in the game, and it was corrected.
Using an incorrect model =/= vehicle removal.

Why do people defend Copy-paste? it makes this game so incredibly damn monotone. It literally removes any identity that makes TTs special. At this point just blend all the damn trees into one. Because that is what this game will look like in the future anyway!

I’m seething so damn badly about the utter incompetence of the devs. And that they just add every vehicle a nation touched. Just because Sweden tested a T-80 or whatever it does not mean it should get it. Same with literally every other Tech tree.

Being a veteran, having a ps4 account back in 2016/2017-ish then switching to pc somewhat recently. I loved this game before they just went Screw it make nations face each other, and themselves. Its the most brain dead move i have seen. Playing Sweden seeing my team of Sweden players with tanks from other nations. Makes incredibly mad and pulls me right out of any immersion i had left.

I understand why my friends leave the game. Its just not the same, I only play it because WoT is a annoying AF game that makes my brain rot. And if i quit war thunder What now huh, there is NOTHING Since most war Sim games focus on Russia and USA. No alternative history of any kind. that is relevant to my point anyway.

I feel stuck. I cant leave because there is nothing to switch to. My interests are ww2/Cold war Swedish tanks and planes, ships. But there is no other game where you play as a Swedish tank, plane, Ship. That isn’t from the other shitty game developer.

If there was a alternative i would shoot myself off this ship at Mach 2 out of this brain dead ship, with players drooling over the “NeWeST LeOPaRD” Or anything like that.

This is my personal beef with this game. It shat on its veterans and falsely advertise to new players by showing the newest vehicles to get people sucked in and therefor. This game is nowadays filled with people with a hyper fixation of modern tanks/aircraft. And older players like me who joined for the ww2/cold war stuff gets their head shoved into the water barrel and mentally waterboarded.

So in short i want to quit this game. But i wont because there is no alternative. I’m basically torturing myself because i want to entertain my hobby/interests…

The only other game i have that is focused around military and Sweden is Generation zero, a FPS game…

im tired of the bullshit that this game has transformed into.

Why do people phrase opinions and personal preference as if it’s something that needs to be “defended”?

You dislike a thing, other people like said thing. WT is a game with literally thousands of vehicles, and you’re not forced to play any that you don’t want to play.

The rest of your rant is a lot of words about not much. If you enjoy the game, play it. If you don’t, stop playing it. Whether there are “alternatives” is irrelevant; you’re not owed a video game that’s perfectly designed to your preferences.

It would be sad the day that War Thunder players discovered that in real life many nations use tanks from other nations (sometimes without even modifying them) and that the problem of identifying vehicles as allies or not is also a problem in real life.

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I have tried to stop de-installed, then i find myself day dreaming after a museum trip to arsenalen often. Where i set up a position with (insert Swedish tank) to ambush a soviet/german convoy.

So i come crawling back like a addict Im so sick of the addictive qualities of this game.

C&P is only going to get worse, events demonstrate this with almost all of them being versions that already exist in the game with different skin or vehicles that only change the cannon or one more ammunition

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Additional vehicles which you’re not obligated to play do not prevent you from doing this.

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You know what, I’m going to try again Money be damned this game has stolen enough of my damn time. So ill be back or not. But for now i quit(for the 50th time probably) pull out the Bingo its time to stamp that “i quit war thunder” because I’m done. And i predict I’m going to again come crawling back with a dream to once again have it shattered. So ill see you soon forum. As a famous quote said i always come back.

You have this backwards. This being a multiplayer game means that by definition you do not have control over other players. You play what you want, they play what they want.

What you feel they “should” play is irrelevant. It’s in the same category as complaining they don’t use the tactics or make the decisions that you want them to.

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I don’t think you get my point but it’s kind of irrelevant
I think we just fundamentally disagree what kind of game War Thunder should be. I assume you would be fine with every nation getting everything even if they have nothing to do with it because diversity (of a lineup) is always good, and the players have easier access to more vehicles

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