Hello evryone,
i’m playing cw for my clan P5Y and today i noticed in 2 of 4
battles against the clan AFI (Anthems For Insubordinates) DDoS-Attacks. In the first match one of my mates had a 50% pl for less then a minute. In the second match i “think” i got DDoSed by one of the members of the squad we played against because i had for 3 seconds a 50% pl and a 150ms ping and crashed into the ground… just in time with my crash the “DDoS” stopped.
I’m only writing this threat because it realy makes me sad that one of the top clans using such methods to stay so high in the ranking and i have the feeling that the mods won’t do anything against it.
If anyone have the same or similar problems feel free to answer on this threat. :)