Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

“but but then they would be better then the AGM-65” - probably some us main

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It wouldn’t even change tank battles all that much. We’d still be striking from outside retaliation range like we are now.

I’d bloody well hope they were better.

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Currently the Pantsir can still hope to hit the planes at the time of the release for GPS and laser guided stuff, according to the tests I did yesterday, all the laser+GPS GBUs could be fired at about 30km away and easily reach their target. This would allow some planes to become really annoying (others already are)

Pantsir really isn’t much of a threat tho. You drop the bomb on the edge of its engagement range, drop to terrain and disengage. They aren’t all too flash.

For GPS+Laser and laser weapons you still have to maintain a lock.

On the other hand it is true that the Pantsir is no longer really a threat today

You can just drop these. Only really need to lase if you’re changing targets. I assure you, for pantsirs it is unecessary to lase them. They don’t move lol


Otherwise fun fact, with the GBU 39, if you circle the battlefield staying at about 20km and 3000m altitude, you can just fire them at a 90° angle and easily hit your targets. I tried to do it in F-16C and it’s really stupid, you stay out of range of your targets and if you have an ally with a drone you can shoot all the tanks on the map really easily

And normally the same thing will be possible with the AASM

Yeah, it a bit silly.

So I just noticed this, is it right that the plane is screaming at me in American to pull up?

Forwarded. If possible, attach more photos to the report, it will help for creating the new MFDs.


No problem, I’ll do that immediately

EDIT : done

So we have :





Weapon selector



I was wondering something about the AESA radar, at the moment the radar is still sweeping from left to right like the older radar.

But if i understand right how a AESA works, it should not work like that right? It should send waves in all directions?

For now the radar is not the AESA variant

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@WaretaGarasu Is there any hope of seeing changes to the Rafale’s electro-optical and thermal system ?

but at minimum it should be PESA, correct?

At a minimum it will have the PESA radar (RBE2) but a report has been made and sent to the devs for the AESA radar (RBE2 AA)

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Supposedly they’ve confirmed it will be added

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Why IRIS-T when MICA-IR?

Some folk are unaware of the scariness of mica