Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

Idk, here is Gripen also;

Because we hop gaijin will orrect FM of MICA (turn, kinetic energy, range …) more than putting 8 MICA on Rafale F3R wich is not accurate because French army never use that

I have 32 instanteanous on a document

I would like to see such a correct flight path marker in the game…🫣

for both of them or just the rafale ?

The Rafale has one of the best HUDs in the world (currently the Tiger’s in-game)

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There is already artificial horizon and now altitude difference shown on locked targets.
Screenshot 2024-12-11 084219

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No mica ir for Raf with placeholder seeker ≠ iris-t for ef.

you are right. And that is why I do not understand why they cannot make a correct FPM in so much time. Without it it is impossible to fly comfortably near the ground

It was an export configuration for India and for France they simply don’t use but it’s available
F3R is the last version before the F4 and it incorporated the 8 pylons for the F4
It will be a Frankenstein rafale just like the 2000 5f with the PGM that it has and the 2 magic on the pylons

Yes, that’s also one of the things that bothers me.

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Let’s be real; as much as I want them fixed, it doesn’t matter whether the Rafale gets 6 or 8 MICAs, they wouldn’t have been changed regardless. As even with USSR planes underperforming, they still haven’t improved the R-77s either. After all, this is Gaijin we’re talking about here, and I’d rather take the guaranteed buff than merely hoping for one.


I’ve read multiple accounts about the Rafale performing well the Typhoon in WVR/BFM, I think one of them was 9:1 and another was either 4:1 or 4:0 both in 2009. All favoring the Rafale. Unfortunately it seems nothing is in writing atleast I haven’t found any.

It makes sense that the Rafale has lower wing angle in the area of 40 something degrees, Eurofighter higher angle at 50+ degrees, as such the Rafale will of course have improved maneuvering characteristics when it comes to the airframe. The Eurofighter boasts a higher T/W but that is not the end of the story.

The Rafale will win one circle dynamics, the Eurofighter will perform better at high speeds and in energy retention. It is expected they will be very close in sustained turn with the favor going towards the Rafale.


Running a suboptimal loadout ( for war thunder ) will not get them to fix the MICA I don’t know why you guys want to believe that


If they add the missile, we are almost 100% sure that they will do nothing because they will have the argument of “we are giving you more missiles, stop complaining”. At least with a REALISTIC load, they will perhaps realize that the plane is not performing in the best way and they will correct the missile.

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Magics only really got “fixed” this way as well.


I mean the mirage is nice but it’s still missing some aoa and roll rate
With magic 2 and Mica it’s a really deadly plane that will end a dog fight on the first turn

the bottom line is they do what they want to do in the time frame they want to do it

if the rafale comes out and completely sucks and collects a sub 50% WR maybe they’d do something but we all know this is not gonna happen due to the playerbase of France

Better have more MICA

@WreckingAres283 Hello,

it has come to my attention that RAF is missing an airbrake? Can we work on this?

It is supposed to have a variable airbrake switch which makes the canards point upwards to act as an “airbrake”.