Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

Armament capability is pretty much the same across all three airframes as along as we talk about the same standard.


Thing is, when implementing a new configuration on an aircraft, it isn’t easy as strapping the ordonnance on its drop point and be done with it.

It needs a qualification process, and Dassault never went through it because Armée de l’Air never asked for it until the F4 variant, where 2 more points were “opened”.

Theorically however, Rafale could carry 10 missiles, but if the french air force never asks for it, it just won’t happen. Weight for example isn’t really a problem, since it can carry this loadout :


No one is going to use a 10 meteor configuration, especially in peace time, because if the aircraft is lost, you also lose a non negligible percentage of said country’s meteor stockpile. It mostly stays a model airshow / magazine thing

I’ll note though, since 2022, things are looking less predictible, and newer variants (F4.1 & 4.2) are starting to appear, with a bit more punch, like this :



They might just give it 8 because later or exports versions did

As looking at the German Eurofighter with Brimstones gives me this idea

yeah, but with the logic of “use all the pylons” the A10 COULD hold 20 9Ms, I’m asking how many does it actually hold at maximum in the French air force


  • F3.2 : 6 mica
  • F3R : 6 mica OR 4 mica + 2 Meteor
  • F4.1 : 6 mica + 2 Meteor

I am assuming 2-way-DL enables the function to take control of a missile of another Aircraft; it was added with F.4.1 in case of Meteor. As with Scorpion JHMCS.


I hope Rafale C F3 from Storm Warning update trailer equipped Thales Damocles XF or TALIOS targeting pod 🙏

Rafale flying at FL500 (50 000 feets) ~15000m

Notice the change of color in the AB and the fact that it’s quite loaded

Lors d'un vol à haute altitude (ici FL500), la flamme de la PC est bleue, ce qui est le signe d'une combustion complète.
Le vol THA peut avoir un intérêt tactique car il permet d'allonger la portée des armes. Dans certaines circonstances, c'est intéressant. pic.twitter.com/hevDDiJGph

— Escadrons de Chasse français (@EscadronsChasse) May 22, 2024
( i know, i know, twitter link)

Nice picture too :


the ability to designate targets on the map will make AASM incredible (completely OP in tank battle but amazing)

Oh that’s amazing, we have all 3 variants of AASM

Armament is correct, thank you Sail


No, thanks to you, it’s largely thanks to you that we have this plane in this condition today.

Mike says it gets AESA (he is unsure), even though I doubt it. If so; needs to be corrected to F.3R or PESA.


No IR Missile? Magic or MICA IR something

Yep, the MFD are quit ugly for now, I’ll do some bug report tonight

annd have the HMD removed?

Wait for real? He doesn’t really know?

I gasped of joy when he said AESA…

32 flares god… They atleast should have given us ability to choose between large or normal. I will rather have a lot of small flares against sidewinders.

Stats And Equipment May Not Be Final


What do you mean?