Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

Dont have the 5F, dont have any french planes because the first cool one they have are the M2K’s, and I have no way of getting them without grinding them, unless I buy the CS4, which will cost me money, and be worse at its BR for no reason, AND be bad at grinding :')

112 Large Chaff is more than enough for self defense. Currently in game, large chaff is the most overpowered chaff, this is why from my experience, Soviet Aircraft are the most easiest aircraft to defeat my MICA.

Its fast though, last time i popped 30% booster, i did about 140K rp in 1,5 hour of sim. Bomb base, shoot down plane on rtb and repeat. Not the most fun but pretty effective.

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Some other question, does the Rafale have VWS? If so, does it speak in its native language or English? It would be cool that if Mirage 2000 could receive this too.

There are sources claiming the Rafale cannot use the two-way datalink with the Meteor, perhaps someone has information showing a certain variant added this capability?

I think we won’t see the IR versions of the AASM, given the treatment Gaijin gave to the brimstone

afaik no french aircraft has VWS

it’s just a bunch of alarms screaming in your ears to warn you of incoming death.

Would be cool to see implemented, but probably quite headache inducing tbh

smaller than i thought it would be ngl. looks roughly size of USS midway, maybe a bit smaller

Hello @Smin1080p_WT , quick question :

after the introduction of RCS reduction for F117 in the last update, is it planned for Jets that have those to be introduced as well, mainly Eurofighter and Rafale ?


First of all, in game, INS is redundant with GPS. For GPS-IR, there’s basically no use for the GPS part, unless the target use smokes, then the missile will pitbull at the last known location. Not very useful in the case of the AASM with only the 250kg kit imo.
For laser, it’s going to act the same way as LJDAMs in game. Initial drop point will be compounded by the initial GPS point, after which you need a laser lock to update the missile GPS guidance. If at any point of the guidance you lose laser (because you have to maneuver for exemple), the missile will go to the latest GPS point updated.

All planes have their own RCS so we will see what they give in the dev but in game it is a bit more simple

I’m aware it would be more of a gimmick than anything else, since weaponry is stored outside, but i’m just curious

I wonder if it’s going to be a pure RCS number like say a f-16, or if they’ll implement multipliers like the F-117

idk if aircrafts cirrently have a proper RCS each, or if they all have a default value tbh

All aircraft already feature a RCS to some degree. So the same will also be true for Rafale and Typhoon where it’s possible to replicate that inside of game conditions.


ok thank you for the clarification !

@WreckingAres283 Do you know from what standard the GBU-49 was added to the Rafale? From what I see on the internet it would have been tested and integrated on Rafale M in 2012.

EDIT : it might be a F3.3

On the other hand, I don’t know at all if the bomb was integrated into Rafale C.

As far as I can tell it has always been 1-way. I haven’t seen anything suggesting that one of the new standards added it. These two less credible links seem to suggest that due to the datalink being based on MICA, with Rafale it features the same 1-way implementation.

France Orders 200 Meteor Long Range Air-Air Missiles - Defense Industry Daily.

Someone may be able to find something definitive.

There’s a possibility MICA NG will be added with 2 way DL however, and since it should enter service next year, maybe standard F4 is compatible with it.

Just speculation

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France also bought the standard meteor with the 2-way datalink rather than developing a one-way only variant which was floated, so I think perhaps F.5 will feature MICA NG and Meteor with 2-way datalink capabilities. The updated radar will also help to support that.

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The issue with those kind of sources is that nowadays most western jets can carry most western weapons, technically. Since there is a pretty large standardization on the pylons, wiring… we could technically see a rafale with IRIS-T or a some GBU40 something.
However France has had its own alternatives developed, in the MICA, MICA NG and AASM, so they don’t have the need to integrate those other systems. I think it’s better to take the approach of looking for pictures with such systems installed or showcased to be able to be installed on the plane, unless there is primary sources that clearly establish the weaponry’s existence, such as what we did for the RMV