This report is asking for RBE2-AA to have a low probability of detection not to be completely undetectable. What you are hoping for is that the devs make DASS completely undetectable.
If the latter were actually true, the Eurofighter would not be shifting towards a passive infrared MAWS in the future. DASS is simply outdated.
So i relaunched WT since 2 months, Radar is still super slow for first acquisitions (forced to put the tiniest scope to refresh faster) and it still missing HUD informations (most importantly target range).
Yea, there was also something else which was wrong because the Devs believed the UK Doc more than the others, luckly an mod found issues on that Doc so he could just bonk it
at least from what I feel how Gaijin gives the Taiwanese Mirage 2000, MAYBE Rafale will be given to other nations IF the next update after it (e.g. Firebirds to Storm Warning) France will be getting another brand new aircraft. So my best guess for when the Rafale will be given to other nation, maybe when F-22/F-35 has come, and France is getting Rafale F.5 or something that are comparable to 5th Gen Fighter.
Because especially with this consideration, I don’t think Gaijin really consider this much, since the Taiwanese Mirage 2000 straight up just a “Non-CAS-capable” of Mirage 2000-5F. Most copy paste aircraft now don’t really have that difference much IMO.
This: Community Bug Reporting System ? I’ve also seen 1250mm from the manufacturer as well. DGA should take precedence over every other source in my opinion, though.
But I digress, British MoD documents are no better than toilet paper a lot of the time: “We can’t do it so we doubt anyone else can do it”.
Funilly enough I believe the TNT equivalent of the HOT series were redefined using this doc as well, as they give composition and exact mass of the explosive to the 10 grams, but HOT 2 penetration just doesn’t want to go through.
Also wish we’d have sight stabilization for the ACRA
Theres no real reason why France should be the only nation immune to their export success. I personally hate subtrees, but saying the Rafale should not be given to anyone else is silly when everyone else has to share their exported jets with others.
Your stipulations are silly, nobody else waited excessive amounts of time in-game or for significantly better competitors that power creep the vehicles in question for cross tech tree vehicles to be given to them (except germany, Germany almost always has to wait excessive amounts of time). A couple patches here and there but thats about it. You’re effectively saying “I dont mind if the Rafale is added in other TT’s as long as its rendered completely obsolete by the time its given to them” which is in the same ballpark of saying “I want to be the only one allowed to play the best jet in-game”.
I dont see much reason in discussing personal desires for who gets what jet when/how anyways. Everyone has their own personal views on the matter and its doubtful any of us will budge on said views, so its a dead end convo.
So you are saying that the British TT is in desperate need for 2 more 14.0 jets the Rafale and Su-30.
And when the time comes it should also get the su-57 and the f-35.
My man the EF is still the best or second best vehicle in the game why would you need the rafale in the British TT.
And if you really want to give a country with the EF a Rafale give to Germany which has the worst typhoon of them all, with unique features like not having an IRST.
As it stand Britain doesn’t need the Rafale or the Su-30, as they gonna get a tranche 4 typhoon.
The 122s? What other Swedish leopards would they be claiming? They’ve already the leopard 1s and the 2a6s. They’ve a mostly credible claim to first 122, the rest are pretty Sweden specific on account of environmental influences on their ugprades.