The report doesn’t use the PVS2000 brochure in the report. Report is now closed so I cannot edit it, here’s whats included. The files included are just to provide sources for the attached images.
The report is just mainly to deal with the fundamental disadvantage of pulse-doppler MAWs in general rather than Eurofighter’s MAWS specifically which is why the majority of the sources are dealing with literature on radar-based maws.
Reports dealing with key features of certain pulse-doppler maws would have to be separate I’d imagine.
Unrelated but I think there should be a Super Etendard SEM-5 with all of its features, Magic 2s, GBU-49s, thermal targeting pod, and a Rafale M to come in the same patch
Isn’t that the combined PVS 2000 / AMIDS brochure? If not then I think you’ve found something the British/ German community have not been able to do far.
Well done, that is literally the combined PVS 2000 / AMIDS brochure I am talking about…
He said the report does not use a PVS 2000 brochure though. So either he is mistaken and it does actually use that brochure, or he has found a entirely new brochure that no one in the British or German research communities have been able to find.
Rafael should only be placed in other nations trees if:
They currently do not have a contemporary/comparable platform. (As the UK has the eurofighter, then it really has no reason to have the rafael from india as it is exactly the same aa the french rafale.
The host country that uses the aircraft has signficantly modified it from the original specification to make it a unique aircraft, such as different engines, avionics or weapons.
Another option is that I included it in the text but completely forgot to upload the brochure or even a screenshot of it, I was just mainly focused on uploading the literature sources. Gunjob can tell everyone here whether or not the brochure had been uploaded (it hadn’t).