Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

Because gaijin doesn’t give a damn about what is realistic and what isn’t. Also i don’t know completely how it works from behind but from the front Rafale shouldn’t be indentifiable. Except if SU30SM has advanced sensor fusion (Which it doesn’t) that’d allow it to identify a locked Rafale if said Rafale triggers SU30SM RWR by a mecchanic of sensor fusion SU30SM radar would be able to know location + identity of the plane but this method is out of the equation for SU30SM. NCTR is just oversimplified atm.

Did reckon this was a bit skewiff.

Also the fact Rafale should be almosty impossible to identify with NCTR has been reported by DirectSupport already. But gaijin will probably keep it a suggestion until th end of days because only Rafale would benefit from this advantage atm.

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Well, that’s pretty rubbish.

I mean they didn’t implementd it’s low RCS so i don’t see why they’d give it a one sided advantage regarding NCTR. SU30SM is once more a certain example of GJ Russian BIAS even if the plaane isn’t that good it benefits from a certain favor treatment nonetheless.

I do reckon most of this Ruski bias rubbish comes from it being an easy tree to test stuff on with a large number of mostly adequate players. Though it would be nice if when implementing this stuff they brought in most reports and focused on them. Suspect that’s limited by how they do updates though.

Radars which perform NCTR based off Jet Engine Modulation (i.e. recognising the unique signature of the engine) would probably find it harder to ID if the fan blades were hidden.

However some radars use other NCTR techniques such as ISAR imaging & High-Resolution Range Profiling (among others), which rely on the size / shape of the airframe to do target recognition. Such radar modes are therefore not likely not be affected by the engines being hidden.

More advanced radars typically include multiple types of NCTR.


What makes you think that Rafale is difficult to identify?

Nah those are from the flare bins on the top and bottom.

BOL isn’t pryotechnic, it’s a pyrophoric material. Reacts with oxygen to produce it’s IR emissions.


Ahhaa,Is the MiG-21 possible? You can’t see his engine.

Forget about realism in general.Airplanes have a sep of 250 m/s at an altitude of 9km, when in reality it would be no more than 100

It looks like the Gripen has bare pylons with no BOL dispensers fitted.

IIRC there are a couple of images where you can see BOL being deployed, but it is unclear how it looks to the naked eye. Most cameras pick up some amount of the IR spectrum. For example, point your phone camera at a the bulb on the end of a TV remote and press a button. You won’t see anything light up with your eyes but with most remotes / cameras you will see it light up like an LED.


From what I recall of direct’s statement, there are multiple features that should degrade identifiable information further than just hiding engines, but I am not informed enough to go any further than that. You’ll want to discuss it with them instead of I, for an explanation of how and why it degrades that capacity.

Denied :(

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So i retest Rafale on the last dev build
The fix are great but there are still some detrimental issues regarding the Rafale, specialy in the Radar department

1st issue: AESA radar is unrealiable for detection of target in TWS mode at WVR distance.
2nd issue: AESA is way too slow for scanning, which is even more obvious with the new 140°x31° scanning mode

1: Unable to pick up target in TWS at within 2KM in rear aspect

2: The moment i switch to 30°x16°, Rafale radar need to scan at least 3 times the same area to finally pick the F-18 moving in head on aspect.

3: The video speak for itself (3 scan no detection, target is not notching)

2 more “minor” issue.

3rd issue: The HMD is now bugged if radar track a target with Data fusion, the “MARK A” (TV sensor), don’t lock into an aircraft target. in First person. + The fact that they didn’t updated the symbology, so Rafale can’t still show either single target or multiple tracked target on HMD atm.

4th issue: the unrestricted AOA mode can mess up on the roll axis.This mode still feel unfinished.

For both first issues, if coupled, you lose situational awereness WVR which can easily get you kill. I had a situation in dev server, where 2 targets at the same altitude and at same scan area, the AESA radar picked up the target a 60~km but couldn’t see the other target (at 6km) which was near, in the same scan area.

A short term and rather quick “bandaid” fix could be to add a new scan rate mode: we currently have the new 140°x31° (14 vertical scan bar), we could have 140°x16 (7 vertical scan bar) But clearly not the best with the current scan speed. Or adding 140/70°x11° scan mode (4 vertical scan bar like Gripen) and 140°x3° (1 vertical scan bar same as M2K in TWS) which will help a lot, since you rescan the same area even if it fail to detect at the first.

The current TWS for AESA radar in dev server still doesn’t seems to act like an AESA. Even if the next major update add a ton of fix which is nice.


I didn’t start playing France all the way back just to fight against Rafales. Chinese Mirages are bad enough. Please Gaijin, don’t…


For now devs aren’t actionning reports for NTCR. I suggest waiting for live to report the lack of Rafale NTCR (if it’s not added, since for now it’s missing from the datamined list), and depending on wether it gets IDed or not by other planes

Looks like Rafale also got NCTR in .41, as well as missile aim lead.


Indeed, it would be rather annoying to see the UK receive the pinnacle of french air. They’ve got their own tech, no need to add Indian Rafales or Flankers to their tree.

UK mains demanding all the canard equipped gen 4 fighters be in their tree reminds me of Sweden mains asking for literally every single vehicle that passed over their borders for any reason. Even if half of them are in jest.

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