Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

Nice, we could even get them now.

And when has no info stopped gaijin from doing something?
From what i can tell AESA performance is largely dictated by T/R module count.
Which would make the Captor E Mk1/Mk2 pretty powerful as it supposedly has more than >1000 with a site saying 1626 T/R modules, for reference RBE2-AA has 838.
Range is 200km plus, and scanning angles are already know.

So CAPTOR-E is slightly worse than APG-81, going off 1626 T/R modules.


Could you tell me more about how greater T/R modules would mean better performance especially in Warthunder? To my limited understanding a greater number of T/R modules would mean that more targets can be tracked and more power/range.

You state Captor E has a range of 200km, so does the RBE2-AA which has been reported but not yet actioned. RBE2-AA also can track 40 targets with 8 targets attacked simultaneously which is the maximum number of radar missiles it has anyway. Eurofighter to my understanding doesn’t take more than 6 radar missiles, so whatever greater number of targets able to be attacked simultaneously wouldn’t matter here.

In real life an actual big battlefield could see many naval ships, ground units, helicopters, and aerial vehicles engaging in warfare which would be important to have greater number of T/R modules. But in Warthunder battles, we never see 20 enemies let alone 40.

So could you explain how there would be greater meaningful performance from Captor-E?

Should they add a2a/a2g datalink by then, it could be useful

While T/R count plays a role, its not the most important, let alone the only one.

Eh, I don’t see why Mica IR’s seeker would be seduced.

BOL just appears to not emit anything in the visible light spectrum. Mica IR is either a MW/MW or a MW/LW seeker.

Mica IR is able to lock onto the specific signature of a plane and then reject anything else. This is why it would be immune to anything short of spectral flares, even then it would have better resistance than most other seekers.

How so? Datalink reduces the need for greater # of T/R modules as you’re not needing to utilize the full radar capabilities in order to track targets. But even then like I said, the RBE2-AA radar can already track 40 targets in real life, and this is also modeled in-game. Yet at best the radar will be tracking however many aerial targets are on the enemy team with no issues.

In actual warfare, much better radars would be in great need as higher T/R modules is needed to keep track of 10,000+ vehicles/equipments being used by enemy countries. But that is not the case for Warthunder.

I did say “from what i can tell”.
I’m not sure but shouldn’t the radar have better track and more of a chance of detecting a target with more t/r modules.
Also the captor e should have simultaneous AA/AG mode so i think that’s a reason for high T/R count.

RBE2-AA also has simultaneous AA/AG mode, that’s just a feature of electronically scanned radars. High T/R count especially would be important for simultaneous AA/AG modes because there would be greater numbers of air and ground units to keep track of if a war broke out. But then we’re back again to Warthunder where even in ground RB, the number of simultaneous enemy players are less than 20.

Well I mean if the typhoon is the one providing weapons grade locks through datalink to say, an F-22 with it’s radar off, that could be pretty lethal.

Then i don’t get it, what is known publicly about the RBE2-AA that gaijin could implement it.


Looks like this Gripen is firing BOL off the rail dispensers

A greater number of T/R modules would not be needed in Warthunder for that, as datalink doesn’t really change the equation on whether or not a higher or lower number of modules on your radar is important. It’s similar to how more than 4 missile datalink channels in WT is overkill in the current matchups.

Can you rephrase your question?

I’m asking what data is there publicly available that gaijin was able to model the RBE2, to know what “parameters” should be known so gaijin can accurately model a radar.

There’s information showing it can track 40 targets and have missile datalink for up to 8 targets. There’s information showing it has 140 degree gimbal in both elevation and vertical. There’s information showing it has a range of around 220km. There’s information showing it can track targets outside of the search volume. There’s information showing the different modes and combat modes and how it interacts with sensor fusion. If you want to look at the reports and the sources used, you can take a look at the thread reports list and open the links.

As of this dev server, about half of the reports or slightly less than half have been implemented


And i hope gaijin fully models your radar.


boy i sure love flying these silly little planes in this silly little plane game made by a giant snail.

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@DirectSupport Can’t find where you said it, but didn’t you say aircraft should struggle to resolve what Rafale is through NCTR? Currently Su 30 IDs Rafale pretty comfortably, IDed it at range, got up close to make sure it was working. Does this need report? You are more familiar with it than I.