Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

Missile aim lead? Knowing French missiles that’s gotta be just a mild suggestion

please no not in the UK tech tree… if there’s ever an indian nation I’ll be 100% for the indian Rafale but please no not my beloved Rafale to the brits

We are happy with the Typhoon providing Gaijin fix the Radar and stop burying the flight model.

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If there’s no Indian tree then it works as France’s event/premiums, given they were changed and modified in-tandem with Dassault


Agree and while they are at it they can fix the Swedish Gripen as well

I hope Rafale gets conformal fuel tanks usable in game for the sheer comedic value

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They should have added the Gripen E by now

NCTR is not displayed on any MFD, which is pretty Rubbish.

Yeah, I hope they model it, it would be amazing for the sim mode.

I would argue it is necessary.


Completely agree

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Eurofighter is somehow worse


Gripen NG would’ve been fine.

They can add the E variant with later EFT Tranche models and Rafale F4.

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Thank you. My day is ruined XD

What does the NCTR of Rafale look like

Haven’t tested it yet, the Type 10 fixes cough my attention earlier.

I hope they add it to the MFDs as well, so far only the Su-30SM seems to have it fully modeled, or at least almost.

I asked some friends and they said the same as the su30sm, in short, thank you

For your inforamtion

    • CAPTOR-M (Eurofighter [DEU], F-2000A, Typhoon F.G.R. Mk. 4), ELTA EL/M-2052 (Kfir Block 60), PS-05/A (B.Kh.20 (“JAS 39C”) [JPN], Gripen C [GBR], JAS 39A, JAS 39C, JAS 39C EBS HU), Thales RBE2 AESA (Rafale C), V004 (Su-34 NVO): added NCTR categories:
    • small: < 5 m
    • medium: 5 / 25 m
    • large: 25 / 500 m
    • single-engine props (1 propeller)
    • multi-engine props (max 4 propeller)
    • single-engine jets (1 engine)
    • multi-engine jets (max 4 engines)
    • helicopters
    • rockets and missiles
    • A-7: A-7D, A-7E, A-7K, B.JT.1K (“A-7E”) [JPN]
    • A-10: A-10A (early), A-10A (late), A-10C
    • AMX: A-1A (“AMX A-1A”), A-11A (“AMX”)
    • Buccanier: Buccaneer S. Mk. 1, Buccaneer S. Mk. 2A, Buccaneer S. Mk. 2B
    • F-4: F-4C, F-4E, F-4E Kurnass, F-4E Kurnass 2000, F-4EJ, F-4EJ (ADTW), F-4EJ Kai, F-4F (early), F-4F (late), F-4F KWS-LV, F-4J, F-4J [GBR], F-4S, Phantom F.G. Mk. 1, Phantom F.G.R. Mk. 2
    • F-5: B.Kh.18 (“F-5A”) [JPN], B.Kh.18Kh (2003) (“F-5T”), B.Kh.18Kh (“F-5E FCU”), F-5A, F-5A [CHN], F-5A(G), F-5C, F-5E, F-5E [CHN]
    • F-8: F-8C, F-8E, F-8E (FN)
    • F-14: F-14A, F-14A ([IRN]), F-14B
    • F-15: F-15A, F-15A Baz, F-15C, F-15C Baz Mshupar, F-15E, F-15I Ra’am, F-15J, F-15J(M)
    • F-16: B.Kh.19 (“F-16A-15OCU”) [JPN], F-16A-10, F-16A-10 Netz, F-16A-10 Netz (Squadron 115), F-16A-15 [FRA], F-16A-15ADF, F-16A-15ADF [ITA], F-16A-20 [CHN], F-16AJ, F-16AM-15, F-16C-40 Barak II, F-16C-50, F-16D-40 Barak II
    • F-18: F-18C, F/A-18A, F/A-18C (early), F/A-18C (late)
    • F-20: F-20A
    • F-104: F-104A, F-104A [CHN], F-104C, F-104G [CHN], F-104G [DEU], F-104G [FRA], F-104G [ITA], F-104J, F-104S/ASA, F-104S/CB ([TUR]), F-104S/CI
    • F-105: F-105D
    • F-111: F-111A, F-111C, F-111F
  1. [15:19]

    • Harrier: AV-8A, AV-8B NA, AV-8B Plus [ITA], AV-8B Radar (“AV-8B Plus”), AV-8C, B.KhL.1K (“AV-8S (early)”), B.KhL.1K (“AV-8S (late)”), Harrier G.R. Mk. 1, Harrier G.R. Mk. 3, Harrier G.R. Mk. 7, Harrier T. Mk. 10, Sea Harrier F.A. Mk. 2, Sea Harrier F.R.S. Mk. 1 (early), Sea Harrier F.R.S. Mk. 1 (late)
    • J35 Draken: J 35A, J 35D, Saab 35 S (“J 35XS”)
    • J37 Viggen: AJ 37, AJS 37, JA 37C, JA 37D, JA 37Di, JA 37Di (F 21)
    • J-8: J-8B, J-8F
      • J-10: J-10A
    • Jaguar: Jaguar A, Jaguar A (nuke), Jaguar A (nuke) [DEU], Jaguar A (nuke) [GBR], Jaguar A (nuke) [ISR], Jaguar A (nuke) [ITA], Jaguar A (nuke) [JPN], Jaguar A (nuke) [SWE], Jaguar A (nuke) [USA], Jaguar E, Jaguar G.R. Mk. 1, Jaguar G.R. Mk. 1A, Jaguar IS (DARIN II)
    • JAS39 Gripen: B.Kh.20 (“JAS 39C”) [JPN], Gripen C [GBR], JAS 39A, JAS 39C, JAS 39C EBS HU
    • JF-17: JF-17
    • JH-7: JH-7A
    • MiG-15: MiG-15, MiG-15bis, MiG-15bis (NS-23), MiG-15bis [CHN], MiG-15bis [DEU], MiG-15bis ISh, MiG-15bisz [ITA]
    • MiG-21: J-7B, J-7D, J-7E, MiG-21 Bison, MiG-21bis, MiG-21bis [SWE], MiG-21bis-Lasur, MiG-21bis-SAU, MiG-21bisz [ITA], MiG-21F-13, MiG-21MF [DEU], MiG-21MF [ITA], MiG-21PFM, MiG-21S, MiG-21SMT, MiG-21SPS-K
    • MiG-23: MiG-23BN, MiG-23M, MiG-23MF [DEU], MiG-23MF [ITA], MiG-23ML, MiG-23ML (“MiG-23MLA”) [DEU], MiG-23MLD, MiG-27K, MiG-27M
    • MiG-29: MiG-29 (9-12A) [DEU], MiG-29 (9-12B) [ITA], MiG-29 (9-13), MiG-29G, MiG-29SMT
    • Mirage 3: Kfir Block 60, Kfir C2, Kfir C7, Kfir Gderot (“Canard”), Milan S 01, Mirage 5 BA, Mirage III C, Mirage III CJ Shahak, Mirage III E
    • Mirage 2000: M-2000-5 [CHN], Mirage 2000 C S4, Mirage 2000 C S5, Mirage 2000 D R1, Mirage 2000 D RMV, Mirage 2000-5 F
    • Mirage 4000: Mirage 4000
    • Mirage F1: Mirage F1 C, Mirage F1 C-200, Mirage F1 CT
    • Q-5: A-5C, Q-5, Q-5A, Q-5L
    • Rafale: Rafale C
  1. [15:19]

    • Su-17: Su-17M2, Su-17M4, Su-22M3, Su-22M4, Su-22M4 (WTD 61), Su-22UM3K, Szu-22M3 [ITA]
    • Su-24: Su-24M2
    • Su-25: Su-25, Su-25 (558-j ARZ modernisation) (“Su-25BM”), Su-25K, Su-25SM3, Su-25T, Su-25TM (“Su-39”)
    • Su-27: J-11, J-11A, J-11B, Su-27, Su-27SM, Su-30SM, Su-33, Su-34 NVO
    • Tornado: A-200A (1995) (“Italian IDS-Tornado (1995)”), A-200A (“Italian IDS-Tornado”), A-200C (“Italian IDS-Tornado MLU”) (RET.8), IDS-Tornado (ASSTA 1), IDS-Tornado (Marineflieger), IDS-Tornado (WTD 61), Tornado F. Mk. 3, Tornado F. Mk. 3 (AOP), Tornado F. Mk. 3 [ITA], Tornado G.R. Mk. 1, Tornado G.R. Mk. 4
    • Typhoon: Eurofighter [DEU], F-2000A, Typhoon F.G.R. Mk. 4
    • Yak-38: Yak-38, Yak-38M
    • Yak-141: Yak-141

The plane recognizes the same planes as the Su-30
In fact all aircraft with NCTR recognize the same aircraft at the moment

Can they all show the fighter model?

As of last update today, most modern radars got precise NCTR, showing model.