Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

My understanding is that Rafale’s electronic warfare suite is far more extensive. But I’d have to quote someone else for anything further.

Any examples of these that could be added?


UK – Chemring Group PLC


Rafale has them. I don’t know about any other planes. I don’t know much about planes in general.

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Typhoon does

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Ok, then why isn’t F-22A (in service 2005) in-game and lower BR than Su-30SM (in service 2013)

Since tech is better if it’s newer


Has it been introduced on Eurofighters yet?



We are not talking about in game but likely real world performance of a brand new Radar system.

F-22 is a freak of nature but in 2005 configuration it’s sensors are outdated compared to todays Rafale or even a Typhoon.

The brand new Captor E or whatever name it is going by will be expected to have similar performance to current in service AESA radars. Otherwise what’s the point?

also there’s this return form i assume pilots have to fill when returning and there’s both mtv and spectral flares as options: Weapons and Expendable Stores Daily Flight Return (DFR)

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Certainly looks like it

Off the links @luque13 posted (thanks)

Basically everyone can get them

yeah designed to work in universal dispensers

Well, that’s a 20 year difference. Compared to a 2006 or 2007 typhoon or Rafale the 22 is still generally more advanced

Yes, it turns out this is the case.

Would be interesting to see how they are implemented nonetheless.

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I think a major countermeasure/radar/IR rework would be a really, really cool update

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Eh, from what little I’ve seen, the F-22’s radar is a different animal compared to the Rafale’s RBE2-AA. So I wouldn’t go making assumptions.

Considering how long it’s taken for the Eurofighter to receive an AESA radar, either Captor-E is the AESA radar to end all radars, or the consortium is simply behind the competition.

Then again, the issue arises that there’s simply not enough info on Captor-E to introduce it in game anyway.

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Might as well add the AN/APG-85 at that point

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Are sure? BOL-IR is claimed to be Covert (minimal / no Visual report).

And since it’s volumetric, it’s likely that preemptively deployment prior to launch (and IRCCM features activating) would successfully decoy the seeker, since it has a chance to not actually lock onto the correct signature.

And even if not, I’m sure that a multispectral variant would be of great interest.

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A ton, in some form the MJU-66 has been in service since 2013

F-35 MJU-66

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