It was inevitable…
It’s like the RMV and Leclerc
Things getting added in an underestimated state requiring plenty of buffs later
The RMV has been integrated into the game quite well, it hardly lacks anything.
I mean by now yeah, but the amount of reports + it not having MICA-IR because it was added too early
In itself, the reports were made before its release and at the time of the update everything was there. For the Mica anyway it is normal that he did not have them and if it was necessary for the planes to arrive in game with their best missiles, 80% of the top tier planes would not have been added.
The RMV only needs some improvements to the radar and for the few weapons it lacks, but otherwise it was a good integration into the game.
Fair, Mirage 2000-5F itself would be a better example, its jump when Fox-3 got added is plain to see
For this one it’s certain, its addition was way too early
would you guys accept me even if i grinded russia for the SU-30SM
You’ll always be accepted for your choices.
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FSO IRST on the Rafale F3R doesn’t exist now?
yippie, thing looks fun. i have yet to fight one in the dev with AoA limits off in the ralph
? ? ?
you heard it here first folks, the F.3R doesnt have IRST
Sorry, I ate all of them
cant believe Thales and Dassault would lie to us this entire time :pensive:
To honest, there are a few significant nerfs I could report for Eurofighter but I neither care enough nor want to spend the time which could otherwise be invested in getting the Rafale to the finish line.
The Rafale? Definitely. The Eurofighter? Nah, not really.
Gaijin have buried the Typhoon.
It’s going to be outclassed by Rafale in every way.
And while I will concede sensors the Rafale is superior.
The Typhoon should be faster, accelerate quicker and climb faster.
But seems not the case.
Funny its still missing quite a bit Sensor features )))
I’ve both and it feels like EF is faster in these, but not by a big margin - Todays thrust adjustment also improves it a bit at higher alt.
I’m a far bigger fan of the Rafale, but I’d argue Eurofighter can go further, most likely with the IRIS-T and ASRAAM later down the line (Its own equivalent to MICA-IR obvs) and maybe its radar? Unless the CAPTOR-M Is fixed