Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

Wasnt much of a rant, quite informative thanks.

Is OSF still impacted by atmospheric conditions?

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Idk about this but i heard that rafale can actually use the mica seeker as a sensor and apparently pilots preferred it to the old osf (there’s an upgrade planned or its already there idk), is that bullshit?

Its already in use on F.4 and ISE.

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To a far lesser extent. 23km is clear visibility and 1.0 means all IR radiation passes through the atmosphere:

LWIR does have its benefits but only really in tandem with MWIR for air-to-air applications.

It really depends on the specific target in question and what exactly it’s doing, the ALR-23 for example managed ~18km for contemporary targets (B-57 / B-58).

Eh, MWIR has greater sensitivity and is preferable since it will detect an afterburner further than a LWIR sensor.

ALR-23 is also a poor example since it (most probably) makes use of the US common modules program which I’m pretty sure only made use of the LWIR band. Perhaps I am wrong though.

On dev, it appears that the R27ER does not set off the MAWS appropriately with the new chaff/flare selection, only throws out flares instead of chaff. Not sure if it’s because the launch isn’t detected on rwr. Couldn’t really tell. Anyone know the cause of this?

Sounds a bit odd, chuck a report in. Only way of it maybe getting fixed.

Which aircraft? It could just be that RWR is not identifying the Su-30SM’s radar and so cannot detect launch

It seems that on the dev server, the Rafale’s MAW still can’t detect the precise location of incoming missiles.
Shouldn’t it have the same functionality as the EF-2000’s MAW?
Image 1 is the Rafale

Image 2 is the EF-2000.

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Some sources stated it can detect the range of missiles.
I do however wonder how they’d achieve that. It’s quite similar to the PIRATE conendrum we spoke about before. Being a fully passive IR sensor, there’s not really a precise and fail proof way to detect the range of a missile without external sensors.
In the case of radar missiles, I fully expect the sensor fusion with the RWR to give pretty accurate data on the range to be displayed by both the MAW and RWR, both being presented on the same MFD
For IR and other passive missiles, i don’t really have an idea of how it would work.
Anyway, there’s a report with primary sources on that, so we’ll see how the devs respond to this


Interestingly… from SAT:


Y’know, DDM was quite sophisticated for 1980s era technology.


Su 30, though su 30 did appear to lock according to RWR, but there was no launch warning for the ER. Don’t really have anyone to test it with to assert if the issue is prevalent or not.

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Yes it should, if it still has not been fixed by the time they mark the countermeasure sensor fusion report as fixed then I will report it again.

Because the maws knows the direction of arrival of the missile and the AESA SPECTRA antennas all over the aircraft can perform ranging functions of the missiles, and also jam them when necessary.

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Ok so RWR/jamming can act similarly to the the EFT Radar based MAW then with sensor fusion ?
But on the other hand @Mulatu_Astatke sharrd a source stating that DDM by itself could get the positional data of the missile, so they can still do it without using the rest of the SPECTRA suite (M2K also carry the same DDM, and it’s RWR is just a regular RWR)

Isn’t the MAWS system PD or even PESA?
On Typhoon

It’s PD for sure. As for PESA or AESA, there’s absolutely no information on it. Some people have tried to use Wikipedia’s unsourced napkin maths to “prove” it’s AESA but any logical person agrees for now that no conclusive sources can really tell us.
However, being PD, it’s totally capable of getting distance and speed of incoming missiles.

Technically, and I never thought of that, but since the jammers of the SPECTRA (from 2013 onwards at the very least) are ESA (AESA according to @DirectSupport ?), they could perform similar tasks, when directed by the IR based MAW, even though it’s not their primary role (Jamming being their priority)

oh boy i sure do love the rudolf

Me who flies the Rafale, planning on grinding Italy’s Typhoon, knowing I am indeed in danger

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