Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

bashing sure, but it is still true. and anyways, EFT is the most direct counterpart to the Rafale (so naturally will come up when comparing the rafale to other jets) and the one you are so worried about getting totally eclipsed by the Rafale with fixed MICA, when it can just get AIM-120C-4, and maybe C-5 if fixed MICA is that oppressive

Once again, no, the EFT isnt the one im worried about “getting totally eclipsed by the Rafale”. Ive said this before but the EFT is easily the second best jet in-game, and some would argue the best atm.

Stuff like the J-10A/11B, the Gripens, basicly all russian jets, and potentially even the F-16’s now ghat the AOA limiter is being added and should (finally) reign in their flight performance all have significantly more need of buffs than the EFT or Rafale.

Your entire argument against me is purely based on your mistaken understanding of my position or your assumptions about me.

even then its fixed by bumping BR of fixed MICA carriers that arent Rafale by .3, and then all of 14.0 to 14.3

idk mate, the wording here doesn’t exactly scream I want to have “calm discussion” with the ppl in the Rafale thread. If you ask me you almost seem to be making a mockery out of it. The entire reason why Rafale players wanted two more missiles was because they pretty much knew already that the MICA wouldn’t be fixed for when the plane dropped in the live server, since the MICA has been in the game for a notable amount of time by now, and so far Gaijin has given ZERO indication that it wants to do anything to address the issue of kinematic range. And plus, let’s be honest. It would’ve been ridiculous for a 14.0 to not have an HMD, and this will not just be for the Rafale. The upcoming F-2A will definitely get an HMD despite it still in the process of integration irl.


In the DEV server, the Rafale has actually gained the best high-altitude flight performances in the game ( Although the Rafale has seen reduced thrust at mid-to-low altitudes in the DEV, the simultaneous significant drag reduction results in a negligible impact on its actual flight performance.). Considering the weakened elevators of the Typhoon at high speeds, it’s currently the only fighter capable of performing rapid notch under high-altitude and high-speed conditions.
During above test=, since the F-15E consumes fuel extremely quickly in-game, taking 20 minutes of fuel load might actually be an overestimation.

It might be beneficial for the current game environment , to move some stronger 14.0 aircraft to 14.3, while promoting some powerful 13.7 aircraft to 14.0.Personally, I find it difficult to envision some 13.0 BR fighter being qualified to engage fighters like the Rafale in the next update…


If im understanding those graphs correctly, the Rafale got a pretty massive FM buff on the dev considering it seems to have gone from one of the worst ones to top 3 overall, and outright best at very high speeds?

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Yes, the 2.43 Rafale is a low-mid altitude fighter, but the 2.44 Rafale can do everything.

During testing, to investigate the FM changes, the code for critical speed and critical Mach number was modified. The actual Rafale will be destroyed upon reaching 2.0 Mach or 1,460 kph IAS, making it impossible to truly accelerate to 1.47 Mach @SL or 2.4 Mach in high-altitude level flight. However, its acceleration performance alone is truly astonishing.


Gonna be interesting to see if they bring that to the live server, as that appears to be an absolutely insane buff for what is already the best jet in-game.

Can you sent me the whole list…
Seems interesting to look at

Somehow i absolutely did not hear about that recent article with the interview of Eric Trappier who confirms some points which were not fully confirmed/clarified.

In summary :

Rafale with a twice as large stealthy UCAV compared to the nEUROn and weighting more than 10t both for air to air and air to ground missions. (“We believe the addition of a UCAV with the Rafale could also improve the performance of the mission with both air-to-ground and air-to-air capabilities,”)

Better radar, other sensors and countermeasures suite.

Better engine from T-rex program which should be “a little bit more than we had in mind before”.

And no change to the size of the Rafale for now.


He also says in that source T-Rex engine thrust is gonna be a little bit more than what was previously envisioned. To my understanding the initial estimates were 20% more thrust than current engines, so will be interesting to keep up to date on the program.

Yeah, tho i prefer to put the quotes because i’m not sure, like last article that i deleted because it seemed more that rafale would be used alongside drones to jam / saturate air defense than rafale getting itself jamming pods which was my first understanding.


The planned thrust increase was from 7.5T to 8.3T without airframe change.

The limit isn’t the engine itself, but the maximum flow in the intake.

I wouldn’t expect more than 8.5T of thrust in each engine (maybe 9 maximum), which mind you would already be very good


20% increase is a technical statement from SAFRAN and 20% more than 7.5T is 9T so when installed something like 8.7T per engine. Which would be insane.

Dropping this report here since it also affects the Rafale’s cannon which uses the same explosive type:

“RDX/Aluminum” explosive coefficient should be changed to 1.7 // Gaijin.net // Issues

Thanks to @totolescargo for having made this report.


It would change the TNTeq of the Tiger helicopters and Rafale’s 30mm SAPHEI rounds from 64g of TNTeq to 85g of TNTeq.
+25%, so quite a substantial buff.


its so nice looking

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Anyone have any images or anything of the Rafales MFD for the IRST irl? The one in-game is horrifically bad while in search mode, which is a large part of what it needs to do well seeing as MICA employment from the OSF only is not a function implemented in-game atm:

IRST Display in search mode:

To start off, the display does not have any relative range to it in search mode, as indicated by the top right “0NM” and the cue cannot be moved over a target, it stays on the red arc and you have to try to eyeball lining up the bogey with the cue, and it is in no way lenient in your attempts to do so, which often leads to losing the target while you try to get a lock lined up right. This could make sense if the sensor was unable to ascertain range but the OSF has a laser rangefinder which should allow for ranging out to 40km iirc, so the lack of range is odd to say the least, particularly when the MFD displays the IRST output on a range over azimuth (B-scope), and elevation over range (profile) fashion, both of which rely on range, and range works just fine when a target is being tracked as shown further down.

The profile view (elevation over range) also stops working properly. Altitude stops being shown and sensor position relative to ground is lost with it. You do retain sensor position relative to the aircraft itself, but only in the bottom arc (below 0 deg) of search as the aircraft is placed at the top of the profile Y-axis.

Things start working better when you lock something, though getting to that point can be difficult as mentioned.

IRST Display in manually designated STT:

20NM display:

100NM display:

IRST Display with ACM acquired STT:

Suddenly, range is determined and displayed on the IRST’s B-scope and profile display. Aircraft altitude also begins to work in the profile view, but there’s a few catches.

  1. Target range is not displayed on the HUD as seen with a radar lock.
  2. Manually designated STT can cycle ranges from 20NM to 100NM
  3. ACM acquired STT are displayed on a 10NM screen only, and the range cannot be changed

None of the 3 are major issues, just oddities of how the MFD works in-game atm.

I could probs bug report the MFD not working properly while in search mode, seeing as it works in STT just fine, but I was curious if anyone had any info or pictures of what the display is like IRL.

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Hi, I’m not sure if the Rafale has a special display on its MFDs for the IRST. Since the aircraft is mainly based on data fusion, all the information is displayed on the same page.

The source below specifies that all the sensor information is displayed on the screen

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