Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

The person who responded has no idea what they are talking about. 120° x 45° is the maximum that can be achieved with dual scanning mechanisms. “B-Scope” and “PPI” also does not show just the IRST but rather all data collected across a 140° frontal arc; ergo, the azimuth limits for the IRST are not shown in the attached presentation.

The bug report manager has rejected the report based on their own misunderstandings and misinterpretations not any actual facts.

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What about the HMD on the Rafale or the 2 extra missile Pylons?
That isnt preferential treatment?
It was never in service with the French Air Force and was used by India,
so if the EF gets “preferential treatment” why didnt it get the extra Aim120’s on the inner wing pylons or the double Pylons for them, that are in the files, or the IRST on the german EF.

Just rename it to the Indian variant then if it makes you feel any better…

Then Britain won’t be able to get it lol. Besides, most people would have preferred Micas buffed anyway.

Because there’s no evidence of them ever being mounted? Just like double underbelly Micas for the Rafale:

But it makes the Eurofighters unique to each other :))))


just saying that the EF side of the communtiy feels like that about the rafale as well

I honestly hope that britain isnt getting the Indian Rafale or Su-30MKI, they dont need it and dont deserve it.
I mean they already have the gripen and EF, if they would also get the Rafale and Su-30 there would be no need to play any other nations, at that point we could also give them the f-15 f-16, f-18, Abrams, Leapard, T-90…
…I think you get it.


we need both the EF and Rafale to get send into Ukrain so somebody can make pictures of those loadouts, for the WT buff ^^


Nah fr tho. Ukraine already leaked us an Abrams manuals, a (newer) EFT manual or Rafale manual doesn’t sound so bad.

Idk about that, when I said Id rather have the MICA’s fixed but limited to 6 and no HMD on the French Rafale, since thatd be the most realistic way to model it and would actually get the MICA’s fixed, I got like 200 hate comments and a giant target painted on my back from that point on lmao.

Subtrees were a mistake, they dilute tech tree flavor and effectively force mixed battles, which nobody likes afaik. But at this point they’re here to stay and itd be kinda silly if France was the only nation that got to remain almost exclusively unique.

Wouldnt matter, inadmissible for bug reports.


The point of war thunder is to have a balanced game, if you want to go full historical it would mess with a lot of nations and make some plane go at weird br, and if you wanted to go this road france would get instead a rafale f4 to make it up with the shitty missiles, it would have an even better radar than it already has etc, there is no point going the historical way, if things are not a strech enough then it’s fine.

Lot of hmd were tested on the rafale before and the additionnal missiles could be added with no big software updates or whatever, it’s just about the army and politicians, the additionnal missiles had been certified by the DGA and it is enough for it to be able to use those missiles on the rafale.

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dont they both use the same radar?

As far as i remember the f4 has a better radar compared to the f3r.

Yeah, when looking at the gripen seeing it in every other tree is sad, at least France had a better treatment on this and kept for example the mirage 2k5f for a while only in their tree tho i don’t believe rafale will come in any of the current tree in the game, there is nothing after and would ruin the air with a bad ground currently.
I have no problem having the rafale going in new tree or subtree part of new tree as long as we don’t begin to have thing like gripen e, rafale in the same tree etc it would ruin everything or for example saudi f15 + saudi eurofighter + saudi rafale (it may not be saudi and i may be thinking about another country).

I said the exact same thing and nobody came after me so I doubt that’s all you said. Minus the HMD part.

Except this clearly isn’t accurate. The Rafale is absolutely crushing the competition if the numbers from thunderskill (i know everyone hates TS, still the only numbers we have until gaijin makes a real effort at making a competitive game/esports and starts making vehicle performance statistics and the likes openly available, and still the only way we can numerically compare winrates and KDR etc… between WT vehicles atm, so obviously take it with a pinch of salt) are to be believed.

Second most played jet in the entire game in RB, only behind the premium F1C-200 ppl are using to grind it. 76.28% WR across 15k+ games, 2.47 KDR, I dont think ive ever seen a jet with such ridiculous numbers on TS besides MAYBE the MiG-23MLD back when it was clubbing F-4J’s pre F-14A.


Had the MICA’s been modelled accurately but reduced to 6 missiles and no HMD, the argument could be made that the rafale gets to have the best dogfighting missiles and very high performance long range missiles because it lacks certain key features in a dogfight or RB environment, namely an HMD.

The addition of the 2 extra MICA’s also put the Rafale in a very exclusive group of top tier jets capable of running 8+ BVRAAM’s (F-15’s, Su-27/33/34, pretty sure that’s it?) All while having generally superior flight performance and sensors than all of them.

As for:

The Rafale “F3R” we have in-game is already effectively a Rafale F4.1, in French service the standard included the addition of the Scorpion HMD (which it has in-game), and the 2 extra MICA’s (which it has in-game). There are some other differences as well irl but to my understanding they’d make little difference in-game (omitting Meteor since no jet gets them in-game atm).

From the Suggestion post for the Rafale F4.1:

So in effect, not only is the Rafale not likely balanced in-game atm, but its already modelled as an F4.1, its just not called an F4.1.

Does not afaik, software updates tho, and the RBE2-AA is already so much better than all radars in-game its not even comparable.


Pretty sure that’s all I said back when this whole mess started. Could be wrong. Pretty sure I also said the 8x MICA + HMD “because it was tested” while German EFT not getting PIRATE “because it was only tested” was a blatant double standard and obvious preferential treatment of the Rafale as well, though I stand by that comment (my stance on both being neither should have equipment tested but not implemented on these respective variants in their respective air forces IRL).

Ive had other discussions since then, such as about the IFF’s capabilities (wherein I was proved wrong, but not in a “the Rafale has a unique feature nobody else has” but in a “IFF has been doing that in military jets since the F-4, so its not actually special at all” kind of way, which was an interesting new thing to learn and apologized as well as the Rafales MAWS blind spot, but those came after everyone had already dogpiled on me.

Yeah i looked and it’s only a small software update and about radar i don’t see why everyone whine about it when the rafale can’t use it in a meaningful way with the mica missile.

Those have already been explained 50 times and those are gaijin rules, it did both tested the different hmd and could carry the additionnal missiles, if there was a conflict you would see rafale f3r with the ability to carry mica missiles in those spots too because there was no change needed.

If you want to whine at gaijin to follow a different path sure, but don’t begin to repeat such things and i’m sure lot of aircraft could be called “f4.1” compared to what they should be you are just focusing way too much on the rafale that is all, if i remember right the gripen in the swedish tech tree should not have an hmd for example at least for the first version.

So like i said before this leads nowhere we are too far for such change to ever be remotely possible and if you were supporting historical you would not whine all time for the german eurofighter to get PIRATE, it has been years that the typhoon is a thing, it is fair that Germany does not get it if they never ever used it in all the life of the plane, eurofighter would be like 3 years old or something no one would care about it possibly coming on it but life is life and Germany made sure to actively not use it.

The Gripen A should most definitly have its HMD removed, particularly now that it sits at 13.0 with a bunch of other jets that dont have HMD’s.

I was simply pointing out that you stating France would need the F4.1 standard if it didn’t get its HMD and 8 missiles was factually wrong, as the standard in-game is, gameplay-wise, already an F4.1. and that if it DIDNT have the 8 MICA’s and HMD, it WOULDNT be an F4.1, so your point was entirely contradictory. I’m not the only person to hold such views, the person who literally made the suggestion post for the F4.1 said so as well.

I LITERALLY just said I didn’t want the German EFT to get PIRATE.

What I DID say is that it is a blatant double standard in terms of justification for implementation. You’re literally trying to start an argument for nothing.

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Then it’s the wrong person that i assumed it was and i did not tried to read after reading seeing PIRATE in, my bad then, i am sorry to not have read fully your message.

Seems to be the standard treatment I’m afforded in this thread anyways, no biggy.

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The devs are inconsistent, such is life. What should be consistent but isn’t is the wishy washy about the Rafale and EFT. Both are missing capabilities and are pretty handicapped, the whole “you’re biased, no you’re biased” thing is tired.

I mean, I’m not trying to reopen that can of worms. Devs will do what the devs will do. Just wanted to discuss what I perceived to be a misconception on his part, as well as my past comments and subsequent treatment in this thread relative to what you stated you’d also said.

As you said, both the Rafale and EFT are underperforming. In many ways rather significantly. They are also the top 2 jets in-game atm tho, with the Rafale as the uncontested #1 king and the EFT being rather clearly the second best, so its not overly surprising they dont have their “full” capabilities either. In the case of the EFT though, some of the missing features are already in-game on jets like the Rafale and Su-34 (priority track) and are being withheld, presumably cuz the devs don’t understand the bug report (translation issue?)

Either way, every nation needs to catch up to France in terms of jets at this point (EFT nations less so), which once again puts into question the DOA Hornet patch that is likely already been delayed twice, and likely to be delayed again imo.