Which is also what I said, sooo you’re either arguing to argue or just restating exactly what I said, but in an ambiguous way for some reason.
Posting this response here as well, but this bug report is an incorrect understanding of what the sources are stating. Saying this can be done irrespective of the radar or datalink makes no sense. The IFF interrogator generally uses the radar for its function, but can also use other sources, such as radio wave (ie; datalink system) or IIR systems. You could argue the Rafales IRST/TV sensor could do IFF, but saying the Rafale should magically display all friendly target locations at all time regardless of them being picked up by a sensor or receiving datalink data is wrong.
All its really saying is that the cumulative data acquired and fused allows the aircraft to display friendlies at all times IF there is a source of data providing their location. In-game datalink does not exist (except in the rafale, A-10C, and M2K5D-RMV’s HMD’s), which means the RWR or radar would have to do the work.
Could also argue that the Rafales is missing a display mode which combines radar and RWR contacts in one display as well, I dont have the Rafale yet, so not sure what its MFD’s do and dont do.
tbh datalink is pretty common amognst everything at the BR range of the Rafale. im assuming its NATO compatible so should be able to work with entire US top tier, EFT’s and i think tornados, maybe harriers, gripens probably, even most NATO tanks im pretty sure, at least for iff purposes
Common yes, but not yet implemented in-game, which was the initial argument Gaijin made when it was bug reported that the F-16C should also be able to have IFF at all times in its HMD regardless of radar or not. https://community.gaijin.net/issues/p/warthunder/i/vgZoidxjgwWM
The fact the Rafale, A-10C, and M2K5D-RMV’s HMD’s all get datalink functions nobody else get in-game despite bug reports is already a kick in the teeth. Apparently the devs think their HMD’s work on the magic of friendship and pixie dust at the moment.
Datalink isnt a system unique to Rafale, or even that the Rafale was a first implementer of. Pretending that now that the Rafale is in, theres more reason to add systems that have long been missing from other aircrafts is incredibly pretentious. Just like all the ppl that are mad that EW isnt a feature in-game now that the Rafale was added simply because the French boast a lot about their Spectra’s capabilities. EW has been a system on planes long before the Rafale was even first conceptualized, certain EW+CM pods already exist in-game, and have been around for years.
The habit of pretending that its a notable feature of the Rafale and therefore justifies its addition now when it wasnt justifiable before is laughable. The A-10C had Datalink in-game before the Rafale was even leaked. The bug report linked above similarly predates the Rafales introduction in-game. Why the devs added IFF datalink to only 3 planes in the first place is beyond me. I used to believe it was being tested on strike aircrafts only because they needed the help, but then the Rafale got it for free as well, so that theory flew out the window.
The Rafale doesnt justify the introduction of datalink into the game, its already here, its just being limited to the french and one american plane for some reason, presumably because the devs dont understand how it works considering their response to the SADL bug report. Sensor fuzed displays of friendly targets with radar targets also isnt unique to the Rafale btw, many planes ingame should already have the ability to always display friendly targets on a screen using datalink and other sensors, its just not done because “theres no such thing as tactical datalink in the game now”. Hell, the cockpit MFD for the Su-27SM and MiG-29SMT is literally the russian datalink screen, just with many missing features…
yeah, US jets had it since 1950’s. we really should have gotten that IFF stuff with the F-16C tbh. EW is pretty complicated though so i dont think theyll add it for a while anyways.
Datalink IFF should either be added to all planes with datalink, or none. This situation where one fighter jet and 2 attackers get it and nobody else done is insane. Its also one of the big reasons I wasnt a fan of the Rafale getting the HMD it did in-game, since as I said, if the argument was “well it NEEDS an HMD for balance” they could’ve given it the 2 circle HMD as seen in the above Su-27SM screenshot, or seen on the M2K in-game and it would have been more than enough, but instead they gave it the single best HMD in-game, with magical pixie dust IFF function that nobody else gets to have for free.
As for EW, yeah its very complex, and more notably, the general player base of WT struggles to understand even basic radar missile combat and both IR and radar countermeasures, EW would likely be largely perceived as black magic, and a LOT of complaining would occur.
This can already be seen with the players that want EW added because “itll render radar missiles useless so we can get back to dogfights only!”
absolutely, all that should be added to everything that had it, as well as air defence radar ground control like SAGE for F-89, as well as F-94, F-101, and F-106 (when they are added) + buffs for twin seaters with WSO like F-15E and F-14.
i think EW will come with 2 way DL missiles like the 120D and full TDL implementation, that will be harder to fool even with EW
Three different primary sources consider the IFF interrogator as separate sensors from the datalink and radar.
The report should be implemented just based alone on the fact that the Rafale’s HMD can provide teammate locations already. I should include that in the report.
It is important that the Rafale gets certain IFF functions and features without getting bogged down in the whole datalink mess. Framing it as datalink is wrong, and would get the report denied.
Thats because its its own piece and has its own functions, still needs a way to interrogate another aircraft at range, which requires the emission and/or reception of signals…
Right so magic pixie dust radar display cuz you already got the magic pixie dust HMD.
This is silly. The HMD IFF is already a datalink function as per the bug report I posted. The Rafale doesn’t have a magic IFF interrogator, and should not display IFF data it has not already acquired via emission and reception of signals. The fact it already has datalink IFF when nobody else gets to have it on a fighter is pushing it.
Its not an agenda lmao, you are blatantly misrepresenting the info in your sources to try to bug report your way into the Rafale getting an advantage it should not have, either knowingly, or through ignorance.
you do know double rings is wrong. but also, why should the US and Britain be the only ones with accurate HMDs? i dont think you saw the hypocrisy there
Right, so how would it be incapable of maintaining IFF interrogation links with nearby friendly aircraft? The Eurofighter does not have this kind of sensor fusion or systems. It’s outdated legacy hardware compared to the Rafale’s kit.
Eurofighter is not as good as the Rafale, this is just a fact of life that one must accept. If you want the capabilities of a certain plane… go grind that plane. It’s what makes it unique.
You’d think so, but no. There are multiple methods of IFF and the NATO systems are legacy as I said. Most of it isn’t truly necessary due to modern NCTR and other systems though. The two-way datalink on latest AIM-120 and on the Meteor allow us to avoid accidental shoot downs in many cases but there is still risk.
Is suggesting the overload limit increase, radar be buffed, supercruise speed be increased, turn rate increased, AoA reduced, and more ordnance be added “hating” or are you just mad that I can speak objectively about an objectively terrible plane?
Any display capable of putting target information on the HMD (primary function) should be able to also indicate IFF data. The means of IFF is what is the primary issue here, as most NATO jets rely on AWACS or other aircraft to do IFF for them.
The Rafale will use AWACS and datalink information for IFF but primarily determines friend or foe using the onboard sensors.