Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

It’s always the funding that causes issues

If the funding is done, Safran can get on it quickly, they need to work to keep the know-how anyway, since the FCAS is possibly - probably - most likely going to end up off schedule

Fingers crossed for the 9T M88

Have British Tornado F.3 Late (carries Aim120B) have Gripen C has R-Darter…

The R-Darter is significantly the worst ARHM in the game, it doesnt excel in close range with it over compensating, it doesnt have the range for long range shots (an absolute fact)
and the Gripen unlike the Rafale with it’s in your opinion poor ARHM, it carries double the amount of MICAS to the Gripens Darters.

Again I have the Tornado with Aim120B…but sure, The Tornado has great missiles but a terrible airframe/fm.

All BVR missiles are good depending on the platform and launch speed. You are flying mach 2.0 with your Rafale your MICA is going to be good the issue is you are conflating the performance of your MICA with that of a Typhoon flying at mach 2.0 that is using a superior missile (longer range missile)

anyway France suffers I guess?

If it was a thing

Then the R-Darter is the best missile for BVR. Why? Because my friend said so🤭


Its second best non TVC missile for off bore shots after R77. Its Effective range is about double of mica… WTF are you yapping about.
Tornado is NOT fast. You cant get BVR range out of it like on 15,16 or EF.
You can get effective range of amraam on these like max range of mica on Rafale doing mach 1.6.

No they are not. Mica and R77 bleeds energy like crazy after burning out.

Funny, considering MICA according to number of manufacturer and ADA is in same range class as 120A/B - 80Km. Yet it cant even reach that range ingame.

GRIPEN IS NOT TOP TIER ANYMORE, NEVER WAS NEVER WILL. It was stop gap for british TT until Typhoon. It was never meant to be meta in Fox3 public matches. It was never meant to be the main top tier platform of UK.

Again, it is not… unlike with mica, i have plenty of 40+km kills on it.
Mica cant even hit beyond 30 reliably.

Stop yapping, you were yapping in flanker thread aswell just because they have a lot of trash missiles on a truck.


I cant take you seriously with that remark please please go and compare get a jet with the R-Darter and go and compare. R-Darter has a realistic range of 10km at low altitudes the missile crashes into the ground it lofts comes down and misses. aim9M is better than the R-Darter.
It’s only saving grace is the HMD means I can shoot while turning away and even then you have no guarantee your missile will hit.

Tornado isn’t fast but it has a top tier missile and plays in top tier games. The best way to play the Tornado is to get high and fast yes it takes time and the F-15 will already be there.

There is not a single bad BVR missile in game and include the Darter/Derby

MICA 80km is likely the shot on an aircraft flying towards with no attempt to avoid. Missile tests are not against a defending target. Gripen is not top tier right now it’s in a rough place, but it faces top tier games every game is an “uptier”

Was that against a bot A-4…No one gets killed by a Darter at 40km

Flanker thread? Ooh I have a fan

No missile range in AdA are usually the maximum distance travelled, not the range at which you can shoot.

MBDA specifically made it to match/surpass AMRAAM B in terms of range, at the time.

We know it is too draggy in game because of its performances in a VL configuration, compared to what you can achieve in game if you simulate said VL configuration.

To be clear : i won’t be asking for a buff right now because the Rafale handles well imo, but stating the MICA is performing as it should is not correct


Funny… i have fast amraam delivery platforms - 2 in fact and Darter Gripen with which good portion of these was flown in Fox3 meta and 2 mica platforms with really similar stats on both of them. Both of them rely on dumb enemy who wont respect you and will close in into extremely short effective range of mica.
Its a lightweight figter without amraam and pretty trash radar. OFC its going to suffer in current meta when it cant get reliably to mach 1,4 and sheds all speed within few ° turn at altitude.
But thats gripen. We are getting more and more high alt high speed amraam platforms that are an ABSOLUTE meta and Rafale with micas aint it until mica is fixed. Its good only because people wont respect MAR and will push into you or outright ignore you.

No… there are bug reports where its outright lacking range in test.


80km is like 48 miles which is nothing in the BVR realms.

You might struggle with that bug report especially as Gaijin just gave you 8 of them.

There are too many players to avoid getting into the MAR, you cant stay cold forever you will always end up merging in War thunder.

To be fair I read the 80km as 80 miles 80km is not long range in the realms of BVR

The Belgian F-16A block 15 also could carry AS-30L’s but Gaijin didn’t want to give it to that plane, so idk if they will implement it for the Rafale too…


And thats stated range of amraam. Amraam reaches these ranges in WT. Mica does not. Mica is heavily nerfed, it lacks around 37% of its range.


That i agree

if i had it my way, i would have kept the 6 missiles and have a correct MICA

Others didn’t agree and Gaijin went the other way, it is what it is, and has been debated enough. Doesn’t change the fact that they won’t stop pumping out new aircrafts, and eventually, these bug reports will likely be sorted out.
Also, Smin previously mentionned that the 8 missile configuration and the bug reports are 2 unrelated things.

Ha that explains the confusion then

MICA should be 80km / 50 miles range. From my understanding BVR starts around 20-25 ish miles, but it isn’t really a fixed limit i suppose

MICA isn’t exactly a very long range missile, much like early AMRAAMs, and unlike Meteor, but it still is capped at 50km / 31 miles instead of the 80km / 50 miles it is supposed to achieve


Most here agreed but when waiting for gaijin to fix something actually worked. Mica is terribly incorrect since its addition, it wont change so atleast we have ammount if nothing else.


Likely it will be miraculously fixed when the Aim120C and R-77-1 are added…“We found some evidence”


Keep in mind that they have massive radar bug spanning across all plane radars for 3/4 of year and its not fixed, its killing russian radars, typhoons, gripens…
Everything doing more than 2bar aroiund 50-60°. Anything above that is absolutely slaughtered due to it and they will tell you with straight face that these radars are fine and correct. Its insane. They dont even bother to play their own game and when that bug was reported on DEV already i believe, They still pushed it to live, they give 0 fk about correct balance. They will rather throw more weapons on plane instead of fixing problems.
If they cant fix bug affecting everything, cant expect them to fix one missile so its brought up on par with amraam.

To be fair, and considering the amount of bug reports they have in total, i can understand why they went the 8 missiles route

Since i’ve already been on the other side of that spectrum : you usually end up making the choice that takes the least amount of time in the short term, while having an acceptable result for the end-user / customer.
it’s generally not a good solution, because you post pone a change that will end up taking more of your time later down the road, but sometimes you don’t really have a choice ^^’

Fixing the missile would require going through / reviewing documentation, fine tuning the parameters in MICA’s config files to make it work as close as reality (which won’t be as easy as it sounds i believe), while adding 2 Micas can be done quickly, especially if they had already planned it in dev just in case and / or for future Rafale variants.

When it comes to the EF radar, i agree that it should have been fixed already… Lacking range is one thing, but having a unreliable radar at 14.0 is a major issue i’d say.

On the other hand, they had these detailed reports for months… since its addition, it would take few minutes a day or an hour per week and they would have had it by now.

They either increase its scan speed significantly or fix bug affecting all radars… honesly, there are two options for us - they wont touch it at all or increase speed. I lost any hopes in that bug being fixed.


I have a person in the squadron I’m in who plays top tier air tournaments who would probably kill me if I were to say this to them.

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