Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

Italy as well tested Brimsones on ISPA4 via Leonardo

and for some other Italian aircraft Brimstones are integrated: M-346FA, AW-149 and Falco drone.

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Careful, if you say this then someone will get upset with you. Told them this before the change, but no. They doubled down. Keep in mind, I support this countermeasure schema. But with the option to select the other (also plausible) large caliber set up. If we can’t choose, then we’re better off with 32 large caliber.


“Wait… the mindless rush to pursue what we perceived as better was mindless and a bad idea?”

Definitely putting the AV-8S Late on a higher priority list my for bug reports now, lest I be seen as a Rafale hater

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DGA, Dassault, Armee de l’air, this whole thing is getting real nitpicky I think

It would help if they had familiarity with the defeat mechanics for missile threats, it’d show why 32 large caliber is a lot better. But they decided that “more is better” instead, so they pushed it.


Can’t wait for the “Rafale flares don’t work” threads

People asking for large flares to be changed to regular ones for “more pops” either doesnt play toptier jet at all or plays but doesn’t understand the mechanisms of flares versus IR missiles at all.


I actually suspect they would notice how useless single-pop normal flares at all lol.
Maybe gaijin should change to 72 single-pop normal flares, then they would find out.

Still, I fully support implementing the option to take either large or normal CM modules. Players should be given options to do that. I would also take far more chaff in ground RB.


Im pretty sure the change is a direct buff vs tracking suspension IRCCM (9M/AAM-3) and mostly a direct nerf vs FoV narrowing (basicly every other IRCCM missile on jets ingame atm) due to the differing defeat mechanisms for each.

Its not a straight buff or nerf, it depends on what you’re facing. Id argue it does still remain predominantly a buff though, as the primary threats in-game are firing 9M’s for their IR missiles, though the option to vary the CM load should be provided instead of dictating only 1 CM load.


mostly a direct nerf vs FoV narrowing

there is a point to argue about that with more flares, you can pre-flare instead


Exactly this. It is a middle point.
Sadly it seems nobody except a few people is able to understand this and blindly say it is a nerf.


im seeing that on the default camo, but on the demo its magically green again hmmmmmmmm

Oh btw, these 7 seconds. To establish track around bottom or top, you need up to 14 seconds for second sweep to complete due to bug, instead of 7.

The issue is, we should have ability to actually choose if we want normal flares or large flares. Iirc chaff from spirale is large???
Amd rafale’s normal flares should be substantially more powerful than large one as they cover larger portion of IR spectrum.

Spirale ICD comes off this two ICD, 56 each. They are not large chaffs.


However, there is another issue at the moment.
When dispensing chaff from the ICDs on Rafale C only 1 packet is released per press of the key but the available count drops by 2.


This means out of 112 chaff you have 56 pops but don’t have the full effectiveness as 56 chaff go to waste. I have already reported this and hopefully it will get looked at soon.


Isnt it called large chaff dispenser in modifications? I swear to god i saw word large next to chaff there.




Damn… Not good.

Did i insulted you?

Calm down on this, i’m a french Main, and i don’t like the aircraft being torned apart from reality.