Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

Im pretty sure the change is a direct buff vs tracking suspension IRCCM (9M/AAM-3) and mostly a direct nerf vs FoV narrowing (basicly every other IRCCM missile on jets ingame atm) due to the differing defeat mechanisms for each.

Its not a straight buff or nerf, it depends on what you’re facing. Id argue it does still remain predominantly a buff though, as the primary threats in-game are firing 9M’s for their IR missiles, though the option to vary the CM load should be provided instead of dictating only 1 CM load.


mostly a direct nerf vs FoV narrowing

there is a point to argue about that with more flares, you can pre-flare instead


Exactly this. It is a middle point.
Sadly it seems nobody except a few people is able to understand this and blindly say it is a nerf.


im seeing that on the default camo, but on the demo its magically green again hmmmmmmmm

Oh btw, these 7 seconds. To establish track around bottom or top, you need up to 14 seconds for second sweep to complete due to bug, instead of 7.

The issue is, we should have ability to actually choose if we want normal flares or large flares. Iirc chaff from spirale is large???
Amd rafale’s normal flares should be substantially more powerful than large one as they cover larger portion of IR spectrum.

Spirale ICD comes off this two ICD, 56 each. They are not large chaffs.


However, there is another issue at the moment.
When dispensing chaff from the ICDs on Rafale C only 1 packet is released per press of the key but the available count drops by 2.


This means out of 112 chaff you have 56 pops but don’t have the full effectiveness as 56 chaff go to waste. I have already reported this and hopefully it will get looked at soon.


Isnt it called large chaff dispenser in modifications? I swear to god i saw word large next to chaff there.




Damn… Not good.

Did i insulted you?

Calm down on this, i’m a french Main, and i don’t like the aircraft being torned apart from reality.

I was.

Anyway, it’s like this now and it won’t change. So no need to rant 6 months about it and you can play “Armée de l’air et de l’espace” RP style bringing 6 MICA’s in game if it makes you feel better ^^

The whole point of Some people is that if the aircraft is a FRENCH one, then it belong to be Operationnal Service accurate.

Sme goes for Mirage 2000-5F miced up to 2000-9,…

Since they’re not accurate, it’s not specifically French but is made by Dassault → modify all techtrees and makes them per constructors instead of Nations.

Because currently, it is wrongly used.

People will ask you what about m4k and all others vehicles in regular tree that have never been used by the military then

Oh yeah the useless one?
I mean currently Mirage 4000 have Magic-2 and S.530D at 13.0 (so it fights the hords of 13.7/14.0 70% time).

While S.530D was a good missile, and been fixed a bit → it still remain an underdog against any other toptier SARH (AIM-7M/F // R-27ER // SuperTEMP // …)

Thus Mirage 4000 is better with 8 Magics bus configuration, since there is no way you can win against Fox-3 using S.530D,…

Finally the M4K is not as good as any toptier FlightModel wise, downgrading energy crazier than Mirage 2000 (normal thing, don’t get me wrong here), and unable to beat most of the 13.0 aircrafts on that side.

It’s situation will get better the day 14.3 BR will be available, but as of today, it’s painful to play.

After that, people are so bad in this game that i happenned to dogfight/gunkill a Typhoon with the M4K.

But yeh we can yap at Mirage 4000 too, and say that it have nothing to do in-game → no problem for me, it will get replaced by Rafale M.F.1 or F.2.2,…

(Edit: yeah, someone doesn’t wanna see the opposite side argues,… cool for him, yet nothing here is against the Term of Use, neither is against forum rules)

90% of your answer is off topic lol

Nobody is discussing if M4K is efficient or not at 13.0, this is an entirely other topic. Whatever I won’t start being involved in this whole rant. Far too protracting for nothing.


Turkey didn’t even buy the Typhoons yet.
Source : I’m Turkish


Man just be happy you got the Rafale or something there’s no need to write hundreds of whiny messages

You guys make such a big deal off of some balancing decision while conveniently ignoring that no top tier aircraft has a version-accurate loadout. I don’t see you complaining that the German Eurofighter gets brimstones, or that the F-15E with 120Bs only get SDBs, etc…

Like seriously take a deep breath it’s gonna be ok if your one preferred plane isn’t a perfectly accurate recreation of a given airframe at a given time.