Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

do the french use indian rafale’s
or their own ones?

pretty sure gaijins thinking stops at the “could” part instead of should

well then why can’t the german EF get the IRST
thats my question gaijin

to be fair, you dont want the irst rn, it messes with your radar

it is so helpful in simulator you cant imagine
but you right on the buggyness but thats going to be fixed sooner or later


means that operationnal French F.3R were not given access to this but thanks to operationnal export Rafales, there is the possibility to add those in game.

sooo, … Export aircrafts.

First : Using IRST to make silent launches with ARH missiles is stupid as you have to guide it like if it’s a SARH and anyway this feature is not present in game atm.
Second : Even with IRIS-T added the missile is so short ranged that using an IRST to fire it has no point.

And i don’t see how IRST give an advantage in SIM except for surveilance.
Also insterad of crying just bug report it, it worked for 8 MICAs if it doesn’t work for german IRST it’s just that your sources are not good enough.

there were typhoons exported to turkey, saudi arabia or even Qatar to name a few

False. Not buying a Pylon doesn’t mean not being able to use it. Otherwise remove all twin 9M racks to Typhoons if you want to have only operationnal loadouts.

but i digress we are drifting off topic

well by that logic give the EF 2 more AMRAAMS
gonna stop now tho it is going off topic

In any way I think i will just stop trying to reason people they just yap because someone managed to pull a big trick and they can’t do the same.

Even worse. They want only planes used by the French Army. Even plane tested privately by Dassault are not good enough. Goodbye Mirage 4000. Goodbye AMX 32. Goodbye AMX 40!
And you know what, let’s do historically accurate BRs because it’s more realistic that way. Let’s put a hard G limit multiplier of 1 instead of 1.5 as well. After all, pulling 15G is not realistic enough. I also don’t thin we should have access to third person view. It’s not realistic and thus we should only play in first person. I’ve also heard that the French airforce does not have enough missiles. Let’s limit the max amount of missiles a team can take at once for realism.


Datalink is present though

so you’re saying false to something Smin, the community manager, said about the game?

not true,… but for a plane tagged to be french and having operationnal service records, it seems useless to make it to Export models, then make it french.

it’s like having brimstones on German typhoons, they never got them IRL, but yet they have it in game

or, get rid of Nations already, and make Techtrees by Constructors instead.

Dassault tested the 8 missiles load out. If you are not happy, you can say to yourself it’s a Dassault F3, not a French airforce one. If you really want to play a realistic F3R, just remove those 2 MICA. You always can…

And if you are still unhappy, then stfu, it’s starting to get old to see people always complain because the stuff we get is to good

I mean, Germany has a way better claim to IRST than y’all got to 8 Micas & HMD because Germany actually has three aircraft equipped with it. But for some reason Gaijin at best would add those as a separate vehicle instead of adding it to the existing one. Gaijin is just incredibly inconsistent with how they apply their rules, and it’s really getting on my nerves.


Ah come on not the Germans…

The way better claim in question : A testbed
So The testbed F3R that served to qualify SP3 and was probably used to justify 8 MICA is as legit as your test Typhoon.

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