Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

I am complaining about this, not IRST tracking flares. When I try to lock with radar HMD, the jet tries to get a IR lock instead of a radar lock for some unknown reason, and ends up locking the flares that the enemy is dumping which gets me killed because I my jet refuaed to try to lock with the radar.
Caused me so many deaths/missed kill oppurtunities

Out of curiosity, shouldn’t the Rafale also get the GBU-48 and GBU-50?

Rafale F4.1 it should be own vehicle from Rafale F3-R standard, battle rating 14.3 minimum

I might believe gajin ready new gen WVR missile for aircraft top tier in the third or winter major update 2025

Next month gajin decompression max BR to 14.3, and could add 6x MICA IR on Rafale C F3-R in the third or forth major update 2025

Can discuss as much as we want about splitting variants but with the way Gaijin develops it will not happen.

If that were to be the case we should have gotten all variants of Rafale up to F3-R or F4.1.

Just like how we should have gotten all Suite’s of F-15E foldered together instead of an instant and single 2015 Strike Eagle instantly.

This could be applied to so many different aircraft allowing us to have a much more wide variety and all kinds of cool, unique, and specific variants/blocks/suites/upgrades.

However, Gaijin does not work like this so no point.

I think overhauling completely into a F4.1 would be best, the aircraft seems to be 80% F4.1 anyways.

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Gaijin will likely want to use F4.1 to add Meteor. Just like what they did with Sweden (JAS39A > JAS39C)

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what about this?

@Kalhann Hey any updates on your bug report?

Seems that the measurement unit of the hud is actually completely imperial.

Speed should be in Knots, alt in FT as you pointed out, wp distance should be in NM.



IDK but you can make a bug report (assuming you can find sources for this)

I did not understand your question, if that video does not relate to your discussion

I might not want gajin rename Rafale C F3-R to F4.1 in the next year because Rafale F4.1it’s separate vehicle

In the future, gajin add Rafale early variants before F3-R standard after Mirage 4000. and Mirage F1CT or Mirage 2000D RMV

Btw for anyone curious, corner speed for RAF ingame is 375 kts!


Is that then also the optimal rate speed?

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Would be great to be able to choose

Ok Gaijin let’s think this through:

Did the Rafale need 2 more MICAs? No.

Did the players want 2 more MICAs? Some, but the majority did not.

Is 8 MICAs historical? No, unless this Rafale is also missing large portions of it’s electronics and sensors, as well as being unable to fire these missiles it is not historical.

So where do you see justification for this addition?


I dont say its the right way to do it, but we know Gaijin is capable of breaking a little of realism for balancing purpose (though I agree they only do it when they feel like it, its not always).

also, people should stop trying to assert that the majority of players want this or that, when in fact they dont have a real clue.


I second that


I can count, on all platforms I’ve seen 31 people who support 6 missiles and 17 who support 8, that’s a majority.

Can we stop with the 6 vs 8 missiles debate, just take 6 if you are not happy honestly i don’t see the point, it has already been explained enough, 8 is accurate.


Where did u see that? Were there polls or something about missiles count?

Based on bug reports and amount of “I have the same issue” alone we can see that vast majority wanted these extra pylons.

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