that way too small of a sample to draw any meaningful conclusions.
only taking into account vocal minorities who tend to use forums more than most players.
I mean, thats 48 players opinions out of how many total players?
Well and I have seen atleast 20 people who support amraams on the inner wing pylon on the EFT and nobody objecting it.
But we aren’t getting it.
Or like the German EF not getting the Pirate Irst because it was not widely used (they tested it on a few tho) but the rafale gets both a hmd and 8 missiles,
which were never in operational use on the F3.
People clicking I have the same issue are likely the same people, they also may not understand what the bug report is about or just blindly click it without reading it. So they are not suitable for inclusion.
Nah, its a rules for thee not for me moment. No point in arguing, gaijins stance is that the french are allowed to get HMD and 2 extra mica’s just cuz its either been tested or is on other nations rafales, but the germans arent allowed PIRATE cuz it was only ever put on their test EFT’s and other nations EFTs.
Its 100% pure hypocrisy, you arent gonna get a reasonable answer. The exact justification gaijin is using to(rightfully) deny the german EFT PIRATE is also being used to add stuff to the French Rafale that it didnt have. Thats their official stance on the subject. France must be best.
I can hardely understand how a WT player can prefer 6 missiles over 8…
If those players are looking for a high and historical realism level, then War Thunder is probably not the good game.
They want 6 missiles with IRL MICA performance over 8 underperforming MICA. Which is totally understandable, I am happy with both solutions (8 bad MICA or 6 good MICA). But 6 good missiles would be more accurate to real live and not necessarily OP.
Welp. I got the Rafale yesterday. Currently stock so I have to play a bit conservatively and save my MICA for sure shots.
This thing is straight up insane. I’m sorry, it doesn’t need any buff whatsoever. MICA don’t need buff either. This thing handle like a freaking biplane at high speed, I barely even notice I’m above mach. Defending against missiles has never been easier, and on top of this the radar sees EVERYTHING, the TWS just show you everyone, all the time.
Go spade the Rafale (only use 6 missiles) and Typhoon after that play 15 games which each aircraft and write your performance down for each game. Then see which aircraft is better (for you). After that you can also do a test with 8 missiles on Rafale and see if that changes the result.
My Typhoon is also stock.
And honestly the TWS is performing so badly on that plane, I’m not sure I’m gonna play it a lot until they fix the bugs it has.
Right now, I’d take the F15JM over the Typhoon despite the worse flight performance.
I love my EFTs TWS, it allows me to become a part of Ghost Buster’s crew, and to also forget that there’s a plane in front of me all within 1 scan (holy shit please fix this radar already, it makes me want to pull my hair out).
Yes but not by the French airforce, but its used by India and all the Rafales that Dassault shows at the expo’s (like the Paris airshow). To my knowledge its not known how the pylons are sealed of. So IDK much work it would be for the Fransh airforce to retrofit there own F3-R for the 8 missiles configuration.